March 10, 2004

Magic Wiggler Worm Ranch. Now, we know you are sitting there wondering, "Who in the world would need that many worms!" The answer is simple......Everyone ! ! !
  • And they tasty, too.
  • They taste so good because they're Mississippi grown! Better than mountain grown (not that there are any mountains in Mississippi) ! ! ! Great find, SideDish ! ! !
  • don't miss pics of their, um, "operation."
  • Did you ever think when a hearse goes by That you might be the next to die? They wrap you up in a big white sheet, And bury you under about six feet. When you're OK in about a week Your casket begins to spring a leak. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, The worms play pinochle on your snout. Your liver turns a slimy green And pus comes out like whipping cream, And me without a spoon!
  • Red Wigglers, the Cadillac of worms. I'm hooked!
  • For the ultimate Red Wiggler experience, however, you must blend them into a smoothie. Only then will the exclamation points pour forth like so much fine red Wiggler wine.