March 14, 2007

What are you looking at?
  • I may have cocked an eye, it's true.
  • Sorry, I meant eyed a...oh, phone brb.
  • It just occurred to me that the men may have been looking at the strike area...
  • It's so typical of this filter not to talk about the elephant in the thread.
  • What's an elephant?
  • What's a thread? Have any of the other ladies here felt that red-hot burning feeling?
  • like i needed an empirical study to learn that about myself....
  • This is a one-off, resulting from the fact that so much of Brett's power and batspeed came from his throbbing staff midsection.
  • Filthy preverts!
  • Having spent an hour this morning in vision therapy with my optometrist, trying to get rid of my double vision by staring at pictures of clowns and snowmen until they lined up, I find this veryb interesting. I wish I'd been one of their test subjects, just so I could have skewed their results.
  • I'm thinking it's more a matter of self-control. That blob on the women's side, pointing downward? They want to look there, they're just stopping themselves.
  • I notice that women stare at my crotch quite frequently. Of course, there is a picture of it on my business card.
  • This photo was probably taken late in Brett's career. I suspect that most men were thrown off guard because that was around the time that MLB started messing with the strike zone.
  • Who is this kottke and why doesn't he understand baseball?
  • I gotta say that this perpetuates the stereotype of men being more into sports, rather than the stereotype of men being crotch-crazy sex fiends. Note that men also seem to fixate more on the front foot than women.
  • You all did read the part of the article that said men also focused on the same area on pictures of animals? Whaaaat!? You didn't read the article!?!?? Yeah, I skimmed it. Too many notes.
  • too focused on the genitals, most likely
  • C'mon, how were we supposed to look past the infrared naughty bits?