March 09, 2007

The world's billionaires, 2007. Brought to you by Forbes: "The billionaires' combined net worth climbed by $900 billion to $3.5 trillion. That equates to $3.6 billion apiece."
  • I'm disappointed that none of these profiles features a black silhouette with a big question mark on it, saying: last seen in 1963, current whereabouts unknown, reported to be in subterranean lair in Kamchatka. Interests include volcanology, world domination, Connect Four.
  • As much as I loved Connect Four ("Here, diagonally." "Pretty sneaky, Sis."), I have been trying without success for a few years to come up with the name of a game that had a similar objective (get several of your circular objects in a straight line). However, this game involved the objects being round pieces of plastic that were shot up into the grid, instead of dropped into the grid. There were six or eight thin metal poles that the plastic things would be stacked on beneath the grid. You did sort of a pinball launching action to send the piece up into the grid. A small clear piece of plastic would hold the colored round piece on the grid. Whoever can name this game wins an eel.
  • I only want to play if an eel is some amount of money that will let me be a multi-billionaire
  • I always think it's cool to see JK Rowling on these lists. I like the fact that at least one person in human history has become a billionaire just by writing books. Kind of depressing that there's only one author on the list, but that's better than zero. And I'm glad it's a good author, too.