March 08, 2007

12 photos that make one wonder if you don't have to be crazy to fish for crabs, and then a 13th and final photo that pretty much settles the matter.
  • *gooses RTD, skitters away sideways*
  • WANT ostrich suit.
  • They are completely nucking futs. The ice. on. the. bridge. Holy howling Shackleton. If I had a Myspace, I would totally friend these guys.
  • See also. I have quite enjoyed watching that show. They are crazy to an extent - one would have to be. But if all goes well, they can rake in huge amounts of money in a short period of time.
  • Monkeyfilter: If I had a Myspace, I would totally friend these guys.
  • I've been trying to picture that pinata being smacked open to spill colorful candy treats all over that icy, icy deck... and the eager crab-fishermen rushing around to gather them up. The inflatable costumes are just cleverly-disguised lifesaving devices. *clutches ticket for boat ride wearing ostrich suit*
  • You know what was in the piƱata, right? Crabs.
  • Having watched "Deadliest Catch" two years running (and eagerly awaiting Season 3), I have to say it clearly takes a mixture of insanity and self-hatred to voluntarily do that sort of work.
  • Must be really small crabs to fit in there... like maybe the "pants rabbits" variety.
  • I don't know how to do a direct link but one of those photographs was a magazine cover. The fellow behind the camera has a dual career.
  • There is so much that is wrong with these pictures.
  • thanks for that dxlifer