March 08, 2007

Lovers of Wisdom - And ACTION! From the award-winning comic series ACTION PHILOSOPHERS! comes these biographies of the titans of thought! Thrill to the killer koans of Bam-Bam Bodhidharma! Shudder before the noble savagery of Terrible Thomas Jefferson!

And enjoy (Or pick apart) tales of Crusher Carl Jung, Nasty Niccolo Machiavelli, Rowdy Rene Descartes, uh, Terribler Thomas Aquinas, The Pre-Socratics, and Gentleman John Stewart Mill! (Scroll down)

  • Twenty-seven bucks later...
  • How about Doubtful David Hume? Or maybe Bacony Bacon makes things Better?
  • GOOD GRIEF LAYNE! What an enticing plethora of linkage!
  • Most excellent. Collective unconscious. Go Jung! Twenty-seven bucks later... Aye. *sigh*
  • Is that the Bodhidharma, or Ali G?
  • Holy Nietzsche, Batman! er... never mind.
  • I liked the skeptical-ness of the Thomas Jefferson one, cuz you see him lionized all the time and it's good to see his human failings (like the slave-owning, ulp). But when you read the Bodhidharma story there's no skeptical-ness at all. Yeah, he stared two holes into a mountain. Right. Why didn't they mention that one of those holes later filled up with poisonous coconut juice and millions died? Eh? How about that?
  • What? Really? Dang . . .