March 06, 2007

It'll do until you get rich. So you can't have a Jeeves. Maybe this can let you pretend otherwise, at least until you wake up.
  • Good to see there is a Good Morning Madam version on the way.
  • I suspect it would lose it's voice quickly at my bedside. *grabs hammer*
  • I WANT! I WANT! Although my daily use of phrases like "tinkerty-tonk" and "what ho" would likely increase, causing my friends and coworkers to visit bodily harm upon my person.
  • From the FAQ How do I make it work? Make sure the little switch at the back is set to ON. I quite like it. Rather!
  • I don't guess it comes with Hugh Laurie. Damn.
  • Will it make tea?
  • I'm waiting for the Brian Blessed version.... "WAKE UP THERE! HEY YOU, GORDONS ALIVE!"
  • Does it also serve one of Jeeves' famous Pick Me Ups??? If not, then it's only a tiny fraction of the full product ...