March 05, 2007

Of ostrich farms, teenagers, firecrackers, etc.
  • I'm afraid to click.
  • It wasn't as bad as I had expected, minda25.
  • So, the first review is in: "It wasn't as bad as I had expected.". Great FPP, Capt.!
  • HA HA HA! Thanks, SMT.
  • I was expecting them to put their heads into the sand.
  • Cool link. One wonders how the farmer is going to prove it was the fireworks rather than some other source.
  • My dad: "You know, the other day I saw this interesting thing where they artificially inseminated an elephant." Me: "Yeah?" My dad: "Yeah. You know, I was watching that, and I wondered, who jacks off the elephant? Do they show it pictures of other elephants?" Me: "I'm going to go watch the Food Network with Mom."
  • Well, you done gone and took and did it, Cap'n. That story rendered me verbally impotent.
  • Oops. Lawsuit.