March 05, 2007

London costumier auctions TV, movie outfits. Ever wanted to be James Bond? Or a Jedi? Or a showgirl? Or Doctor Who? It's all there at the Angels costume auction at Bonhams. Clothes worn by Julie Andrews, Ingrid Bergman, Laurence Olivier, John Gielgud, Peter O'Toole and many more. Obi-Wan's cloak is the last lot, 362.

Bazillions of pages of goodness herein-- sadly, linking to individual lots is difficult, so you're just going to have to go and browse for yourself. Just remember, I have dibs on Tom Baker's frock coat.

  • Obi-Wan's cloak? Lex Luthor's bling? Best dress-up tea party EVAR.
  • Obi Wan versus Lex. Who would win? Money on Lex.
  • I am in need of a tweed suit.
  • Kitfisto: Rock. Kro-Bar, if Lex kills Obi-Wan, he will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. I thought it was interesting that the estimates for costumes worn by Gielgud and Olivier are around the 300 mark, whereas the pseudo-medieval-Scottish outfit worn by one Mel Gibson in the steaming pile of crap known as Braveheart is estimated at 3000-4000. Does that seem right to you?
  • Listen Sugar-Tits - you just don't understand the, like, totally awesomeness of Gibson, M. So why don't you just go out back and mix me up another JD and coke and let MR Gibson (to you) carry on with his revisionist film-making agenda.
  • /demurely goes to mix JD and coke for kitfisto /spits in it when no one is looking
  • Nice drink, doll-face. A little more viscous than usual, but not bad. *slurps*
  • Holy Patrick McGoohan on a stick, it's Number 6's blazer!
  • Definitely some really cool costume pieces there. I looked throuh about half of it before I got tired of various unidentifiable naval jackets, but there were definitely a few things I'd buy if I had $5000 kicking around.
  • Damn you, TUM! When I'm playing A Bridge Too Far, do I want to be Lt. Col. Frost, or Maj. Gen. Urquhart? Pinned down by enemy fire at the bridgehead, or parachuted in much too far from the target area? What am I saying? It'sh obvioush -- shurely Sean. Even if I have to deal with pouty Gene Hackman and his lousy Polish accent...
  • Pity it's not those really cool British paratrooper jackets they had then. If that was the case, I'd be raiding the Capt's piggy bank right now.
  • Vincent Price's frock coats could be good, but I could also use that money to buy Catherine Deneuve's coat, to better outfit my RealDoll...
  • And a further dibs on this from the drawbridge sequence.
  • I want to be Lt. Col. Frost, or Maj. Gen. Urquhart Jesus - what's wrong with being a lousy captain?
  • Wait a sec that didn't come out right.
  • MonkeyFilter: Holy Patrick McGoohan on a stick! Oh, I LIKE that! *scrounges around in thrift boxes looking for ruby slippers
  • Stuff like this makes me want to be richer than Croesus.
  • Much cheaper to affect Indy chic.
  • I... I think I just peed myself with joy. *checks* Yup.
  • *speeds up grover96's comment, laughs uproariously*
  • You know, a lot of these outfits look pretty tattered. I bet they still smell like Actor Sweat® and cigarette smoke and so forth. *daydreams*
  • Catherine Deneuve doesn't sweat. She glows.
  • I just got back from the viewing. They let me TRY THINGS ON. Also, I petted the Doctor Who costumes. Who wants to touch me? C'mon, don't be shy!
  • So? Did they smell like BO?
  • Actually, some of them did!
  • ...but mostly they smelled like mothballs. Or dry cleaning stuff. Or that really interesting musty smell you get in backstage areas. JD and Coke, anyone?
  • I'll mix my own, thanks.
  • I'll have one! That last one was lovely.
  • Mix me one, will you love? I'm just going to pop a few of those puffy, cheesy canapes in the oven. I'll be right back
  • Yeah. He's likes a bit of head. Hey-O!
  • I'm bid an arf. Will anyone raise me a guffaw?
  • Sorry, all I've got is a fake half-chuckle.
  • See your guffaw and raise you a holler! (I blogged the auction. Link to blog in profile. Yes, it's LJ, and it will give you icky teenage cooties.)
  • Scaramanga's jacket went for 4,600 lbs (however much that is). Too rich for my blood, I'm afraid. But still, I would love to have had it. It'd add a nice touch to my assassination of Roger Moore.
  • PA, these comments are making me snort involuntarily with laughter, does that count?
  • Traaaaaac: PA's blogging this thread! Doesn't that make it a self-post? *ends annoying high, whiney voice
  • *blogs BlueHorse's comment
  • Scaramanga, Scaramanga, Can you do the Fan .. danga?
  • Traaaaaac: PA's blogging what I said! Make her stop! She keeps touching me with her foot! It's not fair. Do I hav'ta? *whiney voice goes on and on Can you tell I've been substitute teaching the last week?
  • Dear Blog: Today BlueHorse complained about me again. Tracicle made me go to my room. Why does Tracicle like her best? It's SO unfair. In other news, roryk is still hot.
  • got that right! rrOOwrrr! Oh! Um *looks busy*
  • *fans self. chews ice cubes.*
  • Two words: Storm Trooper.
  • I agree, kit - the entire SW franchise had some pretty iconic costumes going on there.
  • How can the dress from Atonement be one of the "best-loved" if no-one's seen it yet? Or in the case of Elizabeth: the Golden Age, seen it at all? And it's the green-curtain dress from Gone With the Wind, thanks.
  • Yes, you look beautiful in that, Cappy. Ah...sweet memories....
  • Sir, you are no gentleman...
  • *takes opportunity for a quick fumble*
  • Famous quote from that film: "Do I look like I give a fuck?"
  • The Director's Cut: Now with more dead soldiers.
  • Photobucket "I saw it in the window, and I couldn't resist."
  • Photobucket "I saw it in the window, and I couldn't resist."
  • Damn reruns.
  • LOLZ