March 01, 2007

Mom? Can I play Tsunami? The UN and ISDR has come up with a game designed to teach kids about disaster-preparation...

First time around, I killed 92 people in my tsunami strike -- but when those kids were alive, they really enjoyed their school on the beach. Quality of life, I say. *cough*

  • Down to 80, but I spent too much on mangroves, and didn't have enough for an early-warning system. D'oh!
  • Down to 63! But I maintain that with adequate warning systems, hotel-cabins on the beach are perfectly acceptable. Without a viable economic concern in the area, there'd be nothing that could pay for high-falootin' distant early warning systems. What the hell is going on? Am I the only one thrilled to play with people's lives?
  • No, you're the only one who'd do this while at work.
  • Oh. Right. That.
  • In my defence, it turns out that everyone got sent home on account of the snow, only nobody came by my office to tell me, so, technically, I've been slacking off on my own time. And putting my own life at risk in the process, ironically enough.
  • Capt., you're not the only one playing at work. Also, this is a fun, quick game. Thanks!
  • The people of that unnamed East European town will be so glad I was in charge with flood management - except all the ones who died needlessly due to poor resource allocation of course.
  • I really wasn't expecting the hospital to get washed away. Whoops. Gold medal nonetheless.
  • My strategy of placing large quantities of super-absorbant tampons along the shoreline did not live up to expectations.