February 22, 2007

Taxonomy Explorer: the Classification of Species

Created by Harry. He also dabbles in astronomy, math, and other subjects.

  • I like Harry. Fuck knows when his birthday was though.
  • Looks interesting! I notice that Mammals etc aren't in the tree yet though. I'll return later.
  • muteboy, click on Eukarya, and use the search feature for Mammalia. I'm afraid the site isn't as interactive as it could be, but it is a lot of information.
  • I'd say Harry was born April 12, 1965 and has a love of primes which reminds me of "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time." For more taxonomic interest: cladistics.
  • I'd say Harry has misphrased his problem. "I was born in the 20th century in an even/b> year" - this doesn't look possible given the other information.
  • or even even
  • Okay, I was being obtuse. He was born on April 14, 1962.
  • You're right, I missed the "even year" clue.
  • Kro-bar, thanks! I saw lancelets, and thought, "We're nothing like them, are we?" Very interesting! Lots of work in there.