February 20, 2007

Pat, I'd Like To Buy A Sandwich Can't decide where to go for lunch? Just enter your Zip Code (yes, sorry, US only) and the query "Lunch" and let the Wheel Of Food pick which local restaurant you'll grace with your patronage!
  • You can enter other queries, too, but the results are a bit mixed, and the Wheel is designed around lunch.
  • This is great. Except the restaurant I landed on does not serve lunch. It used to but it doesn't now.
  • That's pretty darn cool, even though it did tell me to go to Wienerschnitzel.
  • First spin, and I got Naked Lunch of all places. Like Blanky's, this place does not serve lunch. For Manhattan, I keep getting the same listings regardless of zip code. Ugggh. I demand my clicks back!
  • I like this. It is useful, and breaks it down by cuisine pretty well.
  • IHOP. That's gonna happen.
  • Blasphemy. IHOP is the Platonic Ideal of Comfort Food.
  • That was fun, though when I typed in various zip codes in my city, it essentially gave me the same listings.
  • Just great! *snorts Everything's in Boise--and that's only 45 miles away. Lunch will be late, kids.
  • I get the impression that most of their listings are not intended to be interesting. When I checked out their wheel for the largish city close to me, they showed various locations for Denny's (1 slice of the pie,) Der Weinerschnitzle (4,) IHOP (2,) Sizzler (3) and the like, with a couple of what may be local places I'd never heard of. (mct: your wheel must have been much more fleshed out than mine, unless you think Denny's, Weinerschitzle, etc., are different cuisines ;)) (The second ")" is my double chin.) The two restaurants on the wheel for my actual zipcode were in other towns, and since they didn't tell me which towns I'm afraid I'll never get to try them. I'm surprised that they had to go afield since we do actually have a Denny's here.
  • Pretty sure that it's just driven by whatever it hauls out of the Yahoo! Local db. I tried the ZIP of my Seattle pied-à-terre and got 20 different places, none of them Denny's/Sizzler/etc class, at least one of them budget-shatteringly expensive - not a place I'd ever go on a spin (unless somebody else with very deep pockets was picking up the tab). I then tried my Mazama ZIP and got all of one place 22 miles from home under two separate DBAs, while overlooking another place "only" 14 miles from home that I know is also in the Yahoo DB and offers lunch. So I don't know.
  • It recommended a place I can't afford. I spun again, and it recommended the place I had supper on Saturday.
  • WAAH!! This is awesome! And a rather unsettling coincidence-- even as we speak I'm working on designing a Wheel of Lunch (with a real spinner and everything) for my Misanthropes and Grumps lunch goup at work, because there are at least twenty restaurants nearby and we can NEVER decide where to go. This site looks way easier than figuring out how to make a (*#^%@)(! Excel spreadsheet of 28 restaurants and import it into a pie chart to print out on sticker paper and stick on cardboard and stick a spinner through.
  • mct, I entered the right zip code, but I still can't get the Wheel to put Pancake Pantry as an option.
  • The Wheel told me to skip lunch, but I did that yesterday. Screw you, Wheel of Food. We need a hospital specific one that lists both cafeterias and all the carts outside. They even got reviewed in a guidebook, there's so many of them. Alas, there's so much snow on the ground there aren't any outside today.
  • Oh, Speedlime, you deluded soul. So you make your wheel, and you spin. Then the passive-agressives will look at each other and make some negative noises. Maybe one or two will say, "Well, I guess that's OK." So you spin again. They hmmm and haw. No enthusiasm. Spin again. They don't know where they want to go, but they don't want to go THERE. So you ask them where they want to go. "Oh, I dunnno." Is there some other way they'd like to choose? Don't they like the idea of the wheel? "Oh, yea, sure." But if you have 100 choices, and spin 1000 times, you'll never come up with a place they'll agree with. Save the aggro, babe. Just bring a sack lunch.
  • I wish I worked in an office just so I could start my own branch of the Misanthropes and Grumps lunch goup.
  • Misanthropes and Grumps I assume you have some good reason for not condensing that into "Misanthrumps."
  • Grumpanthropes!
  • Brunchanthropes®. Where Grouches Meet To Eat™
  • My wheel has Zippy's on it seven different times. None of the spaces on the wheel are clickable, so I don't know which Zippy's it's picking when I land on one. And all the other places I've never heard of. They really, really need to link to reviews, a map, something!
  • O, we are totally opening up a Brunchanthropes® franchise on the Monkey Farm.
  • I would definitely drag my cranky-ass engineer friends to eat there! But you better have proper hollandaise sauce. Nothing makes a brunchanthrope cranky like sub-par Eggs Benedict!