February 20, 2007

But isn't TV supposed to turn you into a zombie..?
  • *wants brains but not television producer brains
  • For the zombie on a diet. "Would this undead body lie to you?"
  • why the electricity is still on = LILCO is famous for its bureaucracy. never fear; i'm sure they'll be charging next of kin for unpaid power bills.
  • The local media coverage interviewed several neighbors. One guy was going on and on, "Why was his cable TV still connected? Why was his power still on? People need to check on one another. His family should have checked on him. Neighbors need to check on each other..." When the reporter asked, "Why didn't you check on him?" the guy just blinked blindly and said "I assumed he was in a long-term health facility."
  • Zombie, yes Mummy, no
  • Elegy for a Couch Potato, Lately Gone to Seed Vincenzo Ricardo was watching TV; Vincenzo quite suddenly just ceased to be. Vincenzo Ricardo is still sitting there; Jeff Bacchus insistes that he's still got some hair. He didn't get up when the Reaper arrived, Engrossed as he was watching "Days of Our Lives," But I'll say a prayer for Vincenzo's sad sake, For Death doesn't wait for the commercial break. I can think of worse ways than Ricardo's to die - Oh, Death, change the channel, for thusly go I. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  • Twin receptor? Just who else did Vincenzo smuggled inside that coffin?
  • Is this the sort of thing you'd need a teevee to die in front of?