March 10, 2004

lowbright. Comics to make love to. (Formerly small stories)

Via 1up Zine again.

  • What the fuck, this is awesome.
  • Derek Kim is great. (don't have anything else to add, just general comic approval)
  • They're very good; I like the one about pulling weeds, although it's a tad bit over-the-top in the teenage angst. Nice artwork all through.
  • They're all a bit over the top in the teen angst department. Even as a twentysomething, he seems (or seemed? how old is he now?) still to be chewing the green, unripe cud of teen angst. Nevertheless, I liked Same Difference. Annoying "saintly blind character" meme notwithstanding. I detect a whiff of Kyle Baker in the art, and more than a little Harvey Pekar.