February 15, 2007
Caveat Emailum
Subject lines used in the attack are many and varied, but all pose as a romantic message. Some of them include: 'A Valentine Love Song', 'Be My Valentine', 'Fly Away Valentine', 'For My Valentine' and 'Happy Valentine's Day'.
The worm is attached to the emails in files called 'flash postcard.exe', 'greeting postcard.exe', 'greeting card.exe', or 'postcard.exe'.
(Thought this one important enough to post a second time today, and hopefully spare some monkeys some computer headaches.)
Nuggies for Nugget Not that anyone lovable would ever send me a valentine, but I did get a virus today. And I think I'm getting a cold, too.
Get well soon, BlueHorse!
LOL viruses. Reminds me of the 90s.
I am immune from this virus. I know that any email I get that says something like "Happy Valentine's Day" has to be some kind of virus or scam. Now, if they want to trick me into opening something, they might want it to say, "Eat Shit, Fucknose" or something.
I'd probably open that one, too, bernockle.
Monkeyfilter:I'd probably open that one too.
The next time Mr. Minda and I get into an argument, I'm going to call him a fucknose. I'd like to see him keep a straight face after *that*!
Isn't love always the surest way to spread virii?
That's it, no more computer fucking for me! For real, this time!
Isn't love always the surest way to spread virii? No, lust is. Love comes in second.
Heh, just checked my email. Who's the joker sending the fucknose virus?
Just seeing if you would open it.