February 13, 2007

What does a bid for the White House and Cockfighting have in common? While New Mexico argues over those little warriors that come out of eggs, things can get quite serious. Have no fear, there's always Gamecock Boxing!

Some images: A cockfighter secures a needle-sharp gaff to a gamecock's leg A cockfighter holds his gamecock A referee and two cockfighters gather around their exhausted gamecocks A bloodied gamecock is held in place while its owner removes gaffs from its legs after it perished David De La Rosa, from Lamesa, Texas, breathes on his gamecock's back to revitalize it during a cockfight And in other cockfighting news, Amazon defends cockfighting magazine sales.

  • "Cockfighting appears to be on its last legs"... Isn't that the point?
  • Also, "A cockfighter holds his gamecock while standing in a cockhouse". The only place on the internet where a link so entitled is SFW.
  • I'll continue. When I briefly lived in the progressive state of Alabama, there was a guy just down the road from me who had a HUGE COCK farm, and from the road you could see these ugly brusers running around and doing whatever is is gamecocks do on their days off. According to my realtor, while cockfighting is illegal in Alabama, selling the things isn't, and this guy made a fortune. Another hint from the realtor: unless you like seeing the business end of a shotgun, don't stop and stare.
  • Jesus.
  • My biggest regret from my trip to Mexico last week is not photographing a poster advertising a night of cock fighting, complete with the names of the participants.
  • My mom lives in NM, and we've been talking about this issue for a while. She told me this last weekend that he finally signed a bill outlawing the practice. We talked about Richardson for a bit, and she really likes the idea of a president with so much international experience. I think that's a good idea myself, but don't know a whole lot else about the guy.
  • I am NOT clicking any of those links. Bastards.