February 06, 2007
Ghost radar
does not guarantee to detect ghosts, nor does it imply that they exist. But it might, and they may. However, your interaction, emotional state, and belief system, may be important factors in how you interpret unusual events.
At the main branch of the New York public library on 5th avenue, ten people witnessed a free-floating, full-torso, vaporous apparition! It blew books off shelves from twenty feet away and scared the socks off of some poor librarian!
Not Ghost Rider? Or Ghost riding?
The stupidity of some people beggars belief.
Ha! That's where you're all crazy. I am a ghost.
That's odd. My ghost radar didn't detect you as a ghost, only that you were driving 70 MPH in a 55 zone.
Oh, I thought you were talking about Ghostwriter.
"Ghadar" would be a better name for this no doubt excellent product.
"this picture clearly shows several orbs floating in the air of my carpentry workshop"
way to html, foo'
The Rushmcatron(TM) is not guaranteed to do anything at all. But it might. Send $29.99 via PayPal today!
Gimme two! One for me, and one for my ghost.