February 06, 2007

Curious George I'm looking for monkeys who are currently residing in Nigeria, and have been for at least 4 years. Odd request, yes, but lets just say I have interesting professors.
  • Not only am I in Nigeria, but I need some serious help transferring a large amount of funds into a new account.
  • Yes, I deserved that.
  • *golf claps for bernockle*
  • Maybe it's the wine, but that cracked me the fuck up. Kudos, bernockle.
  • I know we're supposed to be serious in Curious George topics, but bernockle, that was awesome. ladyknight, I have a feeling this is going to be too specialized for MoFi (you never know, but). Can we help you without that backstory? Otherwise I'd suggest looking around for other places to ask.
  • Could be that someone could post this to Ask Metafilter. But even there I'm not sure you'd get much of an answer.
  • I could post to Ask Metafilter for you if you liked. But they would prefer a bit of backstory first.
  • Monkeys, as in those hanging from tree limbs, or humans that frequent this site? And that was a funny comment!
  • The reason I ask is I need to contact residents of Nigeria for a website I am putting together for a class. The site is a research project, focused on the effects of mass media culture on Nigeria's rise from the third world.
  • ladyknight, I have a few Nigerian contacts (here in the states) but they may have leads for you. I will ask-- no guaratee though. IF I get anything, I will email you.
  • Thanks
  • Rah, Oflinkey! See, we aren't TOTALLY hopeless. MonkeyFilter: Not only am I in Nigeria, but I need some serious help transferring a large amount of funds into a new account. This deserves immortality, Nockers. Please take a bow.
  • I already achieved immortality. I got it from drinking two liters of SideDish's blood.
  • Well, I must be the only grumpy old fuck who thinks bernockle's comment was an unfunny, obvious joke inappropriate for a Curious George thread, particularly the first post. Ah, the variety of human perception.
  • I actually agree with you, abiezer, and hesitated to make the comment. Now the response will only embolden me to make several more over the top offensive comments until tracicle brings down the BanHammer upon me. I suspect you are with the silent majority. I have found that a silent majority finds me to be unfunny.
  • That one was much better quality! I feel I am having a positive effect already. Feel free to page me for unasked for moral guidance at any future critical juncture.
  • Except, on reflection, it wouldn't be unasked for if you paged me. Confused moral advice then?
  • I suspect you are with the silent majority      
  •                           !!!
  • Pipe down.
  • Feel free to page me for unasked for moral guidance at any future critical juncture. I'm so confused, morally and prepositionally.
  • My immediate thought upon reading the Curious George was that the professor was trying to find out how many students would say that they already know the prince of Nigeria.