January 31, 2007

The Running Man [YouTube]? No, a Japanese game show. [via Emptyflower]
  • This show indeed rocks!
  • Fantastic stuff!
  • No matter what I do, no matter where I go, no matter how hard I may try, I will never, ever be 1/100th as badass as Makoto Nagano.
  • Them Japanese is crazy.
  • I wouldn't say crazy... but they can make some entertaining TV sometimes.
  • I'm sorry. I meant the French. They sure like dem penguins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aco-hkeQFBM
  • Once the strobes and fog bursts started firing, I expected Professor Toru Tanaka to appear in a hockey outfit and chase Nagano. Imagine my disappointment.
  • One time Makoto Nagano farted and, eventually, the Werzog solidified out of the potent aura of sublime stink and vomited out Phoenix, AZ - where Jesus, the creator and destroyer, was extruded from a virgin.