January 31, 2007
Curious George: what're you keeping cool?
Go on: swing that fridge door wide and take a quick candid photo.
Betcha wish you had one of these beauties.
If anybody knows of a way to wiki fridge photos simply, I'm all for it. Otherwise, send it to me (fish.tick at gmail.com) and I'll post it where these ones are. Comments, excuses, alibis are welcome additions.
It might be GramMa's feeble old brower, but I couldn't get the second link to work. I did, however, google on Big Chill, and I must say, those fridges are ABSOLUTELY HIDEOUS as well as overpriced! *too lazy to post picture, but I do have ham and punkin pie in my fridge
I have cheese but no beer, dammit.
*wonders what possible use Koko has for a frozen monkey*
Mmmhhhh pumpkin pie... *whistles, sneaks into BlueHorse's kitchen*
The inner sanctum of gomi's fridge You can grab the pic from there if you like fish tick Gallery software: Photo gallery comparison This might be better than a wiki for this. This one looks interesting. Run screaming from any of the Drupal options. Also if you have content management/ blogging software already set up you may find a gallery module to work with that. and if you need help installing or modding drop me a line at [email protected] (~_^)
You caught me on shopping day - normally this is full of interesting vegetables... obviously.
blog fridge coincidence shocker ... my local blog community ... the unimpeachable Camberwell Online Blog has also (scroll down should you wish to) been having a conversation about the contents of our fridges.
*ogles the bottles on plegmund's fridge*
I too am planning to shop today. If I take a photo this morning, the fridge will contain (from memory): milk, soy milk, mustard, rhubarb jam, butter, a brita water filter thing, vegemite, eggs, cheese, yoghurt, olives, soda, lentils, soy burgers, bagels, apples, stale wholemeal bread. I used the last of the carrots and tomatoes last night, and I threw out some courgettes that had started to mutate.
My fridge contains dried extract of mouse, vanilla soy oil, cocoa butter, and six drops of essence of terror. It used to have beer, but I drank it all.
what with all the roomates, i had to finally break down and get a walk-in cooler...
though what i really want is one of these:
Damn, the robot has Walt Disney's head in his fridge.
Photo. In the list above, I missed: empty coffee tin, pasta, bicarbonate of soda, half-eaten jar of baby food, blueberry jam, wasabi, hummous, tortilla espagnol, creamed rice, raisins, flavoured water. /off to the shops
*wonders what possible use Koko has for a frozen monkey* Obviously you missed that episode of Iron Chef.
No photo, but the bulb in the fridge is busted, and you wouldn't be able to see anything anyway. But there is beer, vodka, ketchup, relish, mayo, some onions, Coke, Brio, Croma (Dutch frying grease), butter, apples, some more beer, sambal, and assorted mustards. Many, many mustards.
Zenphoto is an online photo gallery application designed to be "a simpler web photo album." 1. Edit the zp-config.php.example file with your database and other info, and rename it to zp-config.php when you're done (remove the .example). 2. If you want to use mod_rewrite for cruft-free URLs, edit the one line of .htaccess 3. Get the files in the zenphoto.zip or zenphoto.tar.gz package on to your server somehow if you haven't already (FTP, SSH, wget, tar -xzvf .., etc.) 4. Change the permissions on the albums/ and cache/ directories to be writable by the server: chmod 777 albums/ cache/ or use your FTP program. 5. Weep disconsolately.
Nah sweetie - piss easy! Step by step and don't panic!
From memory, my fridge contains 1 can Guiness, blueberries, mature cheddar, lemon juice, broccoli, milk, Coca-Cola, coffee, strawberry jam, mayonnaise, lemon cream liqueur, carrots, yoghurt, sweetcorn, apples, grapes, and half a loaf of Soreen brand malt loaf which doesn't need refrigerating. Fascinating.
Hah, my dad has one of those so-called retro Big Chill refrigerators. Let me say that they do not compare, in any way, to fridges of years past. It's basically a generic fridge wearing an oversized and overweight faux "retro" mask. The door is incredibly heavy, it swings shut with such force that it bounces back open, and closes shut again. Bah. Today, refrigerators are manufactured to "break down" within a few years. Perhaps I should say "designed" to break down. For example, if you bought a refrigerator in 1950, chances are it would still be running today (if you actually kept it all these year, and kept up with its general maintenance). If you bought a new refrigerator in 2000, chances are you may have already placed a service call, replaced overpriced parts, or chunked it an bought a new one.
after seeing all these posts of neat and organized fridges, I don't think I can face the shame of posting my own crowded n cluttered frigatore. lots of cheese, various juices n wine, leftovers, veggies n froots, many many many condiments n sauces n stuff, yogurt, some chicken parts (bok!), probably some scary science project in the back...
Updated page. More photos welcome! *continues weeping*
*rattles thread door impatiently*
I'm with you, Medusa! There's no way I'm posting a pic of my fridge anywhere until it gets a thorough late-winter cleaning. My departing housemate did, as a final gesture of charity, get rid of all his tupperware containers of munge... but I'm probably a bigger slob than he is, so the fridge is still naaaaaasty. It does contain, however, some random vegetables, a turkey breast from Costco, several bottles of overpriced organic juice, fizzy water, ketchup & several sorts of mustard, the all-important pickles and capers, a failed crock-pot experiment, some mystery cheeses, bread and hummus, and weird Icelandic yogurt. Oh, and a bottle of elderflower cordial from Ikea. And some Lush products which for some reason I felt compelled to keep in the fridge. And a jar of maraschino cherries (mmmmmmmmm).
<> Yeah, full of lots of stuff. Lots of condiments, homemade jam, vegies, fruit, meat, cat food, leftovers, goats milk, cows milk, and in the funny little vials in the freezer, human milk. Baby Fimbulvetr arrived 2 months early two weeks ago, so while he is in the hospital bulking up, Mrs. Fimbulvetr is filling the freezer.
I volunteer to stay inside and turn the little light out after you guys leave.
Yay!! *debates alerting fimbulvetr to the fact that his fridge is upside-down*
Maybe it's an australian fridge.
MonkeyFilter: Many, many mustards.
*debates alerting fimbulvetr to the fact that his fridge is upside-down* Crap!!! Thanks for pointing that out!
Thar we go. All better now.
photo At least it's reasonably clean. Only 2 bottles of beer, tho.
I've updated the page again; nine now, more fridges needed!
Oh, I have to remember to do this. My camera's near dead so it will have to be later tonight. Also, the fridge is a mess. Cap'n, we *also* have many, many mustards.
*faxes batteries to cobaltnine*
That pink lemonade abomination is the 220-lb drag queen of refrigerators. It frightens me.
Well, all of those refrigeraors appear to be running.
TUM, I had to "hack" my refrigerator last weekend. I went for some chocolate ice cream before bed, and was greeted with liquid sludge. A few hours later, I had the beast back up and running after some questionable DIY "patches." Yes, go ahead and ask me what a PTC pill is. This tiny ceramic bugger will give you more woes than you can shake a pink lemonade at. fish tick: look for my photos in a few hours. I'm giving you the untouched reality.
I'll bite. So, sugarmilktea, what is a PTC pill?
This should clear things up.
PTC pill is a small donut-shaped ceramic/metal alloy (about the same diameter as a U.S. nickle) that resides within the starter/overload relay that is directly attached to the compressor of most refrigertors of present day. It utilizes the positive temperature coefficient effect: as the temperature rises, nearing danger levels, the resistance increases, so less current flows, thereby protecting the vulnerable equipment that receives the current flow. Without this little disc, the compressor cannot start-up. And if the compressor cannot start up, your not going to get chilled air and your food will start to go bad... These little buggers tend to get quite hot, and will "burn out" after several years (or less) of service (mine cracked into several pieces). In days long gone, the compressor was started with a magneto-type of relay that probably would never die. But today, ah, it's all about streamlining costs and forcing consumers to buy new product in shorter cycles. Heed my warning: if your fridge dies, look to the PTC pill!!! /evil laugh /appliance nerd
*flashes plumbers crack*
Fridge! Please to be noting much Swedish herring, much much cheese and, yes, many types of mustard.
Hey Jeff, nice ass! p.s. we have 2 kinds of mustard in our fridge.
*hangs head in shame of unimoutardisme*
I have 2 kinds: fluorescent yellow rubbish for visitors and a nice dark and grainy dijon to go with tofu weenies.
Annotated Fridge. I stitched four photos together. I'm kind of embarassed by our giant American fridge.
Coming up in our next episode: The Toilet!
Too late!
I would like to see a series of picture sets of mofi beds, first made and then unmade. You would be allowed to remove the inflatable love doll first.
Okay, and the sheep.
Say, RalphTheDog - where's your fridge, hmmm? Come on, we wanna see the wurst of it.
It has been e-mailed to you, you sick icy box lady.
Hah-hah! RTD's fridge is upside-down too!
SMT weighs in with the side-by-side variety. Yes, the monster that I hacked back to life. It just bit my hand as closed the doors. Oh, I wish I had the time to annotate as cobaltine did!
*as I closed the doors
PEOPLE! Where are your fruits and vegtables? GramMa's worried about you eating enough roughage.
Hiding in the vegetable crisper drawer!
Here you go. Please excuse my experiment with googlepages.
Thank-you, SMT. I am now enlightened on the deeper wisdoms of the PTC Pill.
Don't mention it. Next week: the perils of faulty freon tube routing through drip pans...
Faulty freon tubes? What, do you use the defrost method I do? Hammer?* *It's ok, 'cuz I'm renting.
smt, I am delighted by the presence of McCain Smiles in your freezer. Don't let that bastard fridge give you any trouble.
Here's mine, and you should note I do have some fruits and vegetables. They are all that was left after all the Sara Lee stuff was eaten. What you sadly can't see is the Bill Clinton fridge magnet on the door, a delightful gift from the 'tool family.
Robert Kilroy?? That's an Iron Chef I must have missed.
Ooh, was he here?
Robert Kilroy-Silk, hyphenated because of illegitimacy rather than poshness. Labour MP, then daytime TV host; joined UKIP (UK Independence Party) and was elected as an MEP (Member of the European Parliament): immediately had a quarrel with UKIP and formed his own party Veritas, which somehow failed to set the nation alight. But I have no idea why he is in Mute's fridge.
I had to look him up. Fifteen fridges now!
Good eye, Lara. Not to worry, the bastard fridge is all talk and no show.
Koko, R K-S was in the Iron Chef episode where you had to make a BLOODY FOOL OF YOURSELF
I see I was wrong about the illegitimacy. Perhaps he'll sue.
I can't view those at work. Is there foie gras involved?
I concur.
Wait a minute. Was that some kind of implication that there are episodes of Iron Chef where you DON'T have to make a bloody fool of yourself? Anyhow, nobod's gettin' their cotton-pickin' F-stop anywhere near my refigimanator 'til it's had a good scrubbin'. See you in April.
Ready and waiting TUM!
*queues up with other monkeyrazzi*
You thought we'd forget but we didn't forget! We are the Non-Forgetting-Underpants-Monster-Refrigerator-Wanting-to-See-Whether-It's-Clean-or-Not-So-Make-With-the-Clicky-Clicky-Before-Pete-Starts-Whining-Happy-Lucky-Icebox-People-of-Monkeyfilter!!!
Did I say April 2007? ;-)
You won this time Panty Monster, but you will not win next time!!!!
Sounds of Pasta Yup. Sounds of pasta. With obnoxious italian background music. Thrill to: 3 pasta ruffles rolling down a cardboard tube into a wok. 1 pasta ruffle rolling down a 3-1/8" diameter cardboard tube 40-1/4" long into a 14" diameter stainless steel wok. 8 ounces of elbow macaroni being poured from a cardboard box into a plastic container. Fun for the whole family!
I wonder how annoying it would be if I made "a 16-ounce box of pasta ruffles being poured into a ceramic bowl" my IM chime.
I'm thinking it'd make you hungry, like cats get when they hear kibbles hitting the bowl.