January 26, 2007

How British Are You?
  • Brilliant! 325 but I am sure that: 1. Someone will do better 2. Non-Brit Simians may lose the irony and pathos of the answers 3. I really am British therefore shouldnt have done this quiz in the first place!
  • You've got to tally up your own scores? Lemme dig out my abacus!
  • Veddy.
  • The Commonwealth, the break-up of the Empire, devolution and membership of the European Union will also be covered. We are not British...
  • eh, wot wot?
  • Are the British lazy? Let me put it this way, if the British saw there were no radio buttons or check boxes, and no "submit" button for the score and were thus too lazy to take the quiz, then I'm absolutely very British.
  • Nomen, that only counts towards Britishness if, at the time, you were wearing a tweed hacking jacket, corduroy slacks, £200 brogues, and tapping the bowl of your pipe irritably on your desktop whilst muttering to yourself that the internet was a far better place when it was in black-and-white and only on for four hours a day.
  • Fun test, but when I scroll down, the answers that I had to put in black marker on my monitor don't move with the questions.
  • Had this quiz been on the Grauniad, Dangerismymiddlename would totally have radioboxed it.
  • English kids learn Britishness "It makes no sense in our report to focus on minority ethnic pupils without trying to address and understand the issues for white pupils," claims the report. *tiptoes out of thread, closing door quietly*
  • That was surprisingly funny given the source.
  • That was a surprising amount of fun,
  • Did you catch all the sneaky subliminal Tory propaganda?
  • Torygraph better at humour than html shocker ...