January 19, 2007

The Science of Superheroes. The Ontario Science Centre is hosting an exhibit (Marvel-based, so unfortunately lacking in Batman) all about the science involved in being a superhero. But even if you can't make it, you can always read up on this how-to of supervillainy.

Science Centre exhibit does not feature radioactive spiders which could escape from their broken display case which was totally like that when you got there and happen to bite you by complete accident and give you Spidey-powers leukemia.

  • Batman is not a superhero, as he has no super powers. He's just a rich guy with a utility belt full of fancy gadgets and a penchant for young boys in tights.
  • Don't make me go all Comic Book Guy on your ass, rocket88.
  • Does that mean Superman isn't really a superhero? He just has what he was born with too, you know.
  • Synchronicity! I just checked this book out of the library, and am looking forward to reading. It's been on my reading list for a while. The sequel is all about supervillains. I'm checking that one out next.
  • *realizes the supervillain links are the same, blushes* Oh, and rocket88, while Batman is not a "super" hero, his gadgets are definitely based on scientific principles that may be explored as teaching tools. SO PIPE DOWN OR TASTE THE BATARANG! *BOINGGGGGGG!*
  • If the monorail episode has taught us anything, it is that Batman is a Scientist.
  • Finally! Someone to explain the "science" of getting bombarded by gamma rays and turning into the Hulk!
  • Careful when you DIY. Youtubbery
  • DC > Marvel
  • Batman is not a superhero Batman is the libertarian superhero. He's the shit 'cuz he was born rich.