January 15, 2007
How often do you find yourself on the internet looking at the same boring pages?
You know there is something out there but you don't know where to look!!
No offense, but circa 1992-93, Prodigy offered a random site button. It was cool then. Not so much now.
Alta Vista also had one back in the mid 90s when I first got internet access. I had a bit of fun with it then, but, except for a site in Portuguese, the ones that tried to load now were soooo slooow that I gave up. Probably just as well since the site warns about viruses and the like. The internet isn't as friendly as it once was. Is that Bob on the site home page?
> Is that Bob on the site home page? I was wondering that. The hair is smaller or less coiffed.
Pr0n is never boring when you're alone.