January 13, 2007

Furious George. Why can't I find a sound file of the infamous Verizon ad?

I need to get a WAV or MP3 file of the schmuck in the Verizon ad saying "Can you hear me now?" But it's impossible! I've spent over an hour searing WAV databases, Google, Yahoo, YouTube, FindSounds, and every other avenue I can think of. I'll even take a video file so I can record it myself. I'm going crazy here. I keep finding that spoof ad where the guy just sits there saying "yes" over and over. But no luck on the original! WTF? HELP!

  • http://www.thepocket.com/wavs/hearmenow2.wav
  • Monkeyfilter: Furious to satiated in 35 minutes.
  • I now declare this thread OPEN!
  • Sick fuck.
  • Is it time to wake up already?
  • I like mashed potatoes.
  • Have you watched the entire spoof commercial? There's a pretty clear "Can you hear me now?" at the end of it if you do wind up capturing it from video. That .wav linked above has a bit of background noise.
  • There's supposed to be food here-it's in the contract: "When said subject ("Blanky") is inspired to post while sleeping there will be a small smorgasbord of interesting food, call brand liquor and deodorant available upon subject's awakening." Can you hear me now?
  • A thousand apologies, m'sieu. Here is your small smorgasbord.
  • Go!
  • Cool, goetter. Are those bats?
  • Fruits on carts. Pubs with darts. Maxwell Smarts. Facts on farts.
  • The web design compells me to believe, Ralph. Is that one of your sites?
  • All of the web is mine. All of your world is mine. You think otherwise only because you are amid the fog of yet another Benadryl overdose. So send me your Visa numer and mother's maiden name, and be done with the serpents!
  • My Visa number is 2. My mothr's doesn't have a maiden name, for sooth, she is no maiden.
  • Go! That was far better than I could have possibly hoped it would be. Man there is evidently a long history of well-spanked women in cinema. Who knew?
  • Is that one of your sites? Smells like one of Ralph's.
  • *holds Koko's head under the covers*
  • So send me your Visa numer and mother's maiden name My Visa numer is ████-████-████-████, and my mother's maiden name is Pomeranian. I hear and I obey.
  • That's cool, nunia, how do you do that? Is it in the faq's? Should be.
  • umm, not the hearing and obey part. Don'tt want any of that. RalphTheDog is gonna get snowed under pretty soon.
  • Ask roryk; he's the master of font-turbation.
  • *passes around pack of Ascii-Wipes*
  • smt, you are really into cleanliness, aren't you? Would you like to tell us more about this? We have all day - and night. We'll listen.
  • ummm...i think we're all missing the point here...which is, of course, to mercilessly make fun of scartol for his complete lack of google-fu. can you hear me now? and yes ralphie does own the world...i remember back when i sold it to him thinking to myself "you control the entire universe, could parting with ONE tiny speck of it really cause that much trouble?" but, well, you've all seen what a mess he's made of it lately...
  • True. My bad. I just figured, if Al Gore could invent the internet, he could defeat that idiot from Texas. *Sigh* So much for delegating.
  • And what is this google you speak of?
  • Google is a brand of noodles made from geese, Ralph. Google-fu is a type of noodle made from soy geese.
  • Ramen Google-Fu is dehydrated curly soy geese noodles. Tasteeeee!
  • Don't listen to them Ralph. Google was famous Russian author of large novel.
  • Googles aaree thoosee glaassees yoouu weeaar whiilee swiimmiing.
  • wait, i can't hear you now... *smacks side of head* sorry, just some water in my ears...i gotta get some eeaarpluugs... you were saying?
  • *attains enlightenment of nunia's brillance*
  • The Googles...they do nothing!
  • these googles?
  • When you smack the side of your head I can feel it way over here. Hurts. Stop.
  • *attains enlightenment of nunia's brillance* *places pebble in SMT's hand* Time for you to leave, Grasshopper.