January 11, 2007

Becks to play Stateside $250 mil to be the new Pele?
  • Would you say no?
  • That's a lot of money for someone who is only good at set-plays.
  • Poor Becks. No love. The man's an assist-machine, so what if he doesn't score? ;) I can't wait to get home and see what the Units think of this. It's quite with it to be into Premiere League football at my girls' high school. Even if they have to watch the broadcasts in Spanish at odd hours. They all despise Man Utd. though. I guess this means MLS did change their salary rules. They had some caps in place to prevent another Cosmos (you know, Pele, Beckenbauer, and Chignalia, how they missed Best I have no idea), but I guess they were mulling a 1-superstar no limit salary per team exception to be known as the "Beckham rule" and voila.
  • Quarter bil to kick a ball into a net. How many people are dying in Darfur, again?
  • More like the new A-Rod. Just be freaking glad you're not In New York Becky
  • Who?
  • You fucking soccer-sniffers don't DESERVE my David Beckham. You will not glory in his achievements. You will not be entranced by his day-to-day doings. You will not be enraptured by his press-conference musings. You Americanos think you can buy anything, with your money and your fame and your large automobiles and your cute little Lindsay Lohans and your long-weekends in January. How I despise you. I have petitioned UK National Heritage that David Beckham should be saved for the British nation, and am collecting monies from passers-by in the street AT THIS VERY MOMENT to put together an appropriately sized fund for this purpose. AND I call upon European Commission President José Manuel Barroso to deny the export licence required to ship David Beckham to the accurséd United States.
  • Someone at work put a magazine clipping of David Beckham on the bathroom stall door. So now David Beckham stares at me when I pee. I can't do #2 when he's watching. Am in distress please take him to America thx.
  • He's sooooooooo dreamy!
  • Hey now, #2's are completely inappropriate for a sitting reigning Queen. Buck up there Queenie.
  • Keep clenching, or you'll never look right on stamps.
  • It'll be interesting to see how rapid an effect this will have on the relatively minute soccer industry in North America. Yikes:"In Winnipeg, the daytime high is expected to reach –27 C, but the wind chill could make that feel like –45 C." *clench*
  • The local video store has a giant (like, his nore is a s big as your head) poster of Orlando Bloom in full pirate gear in the ladies' room, watching you pee. (I'd have waxed if I'd known...)
  • His nose, that is. You can't see his nore in the picture, thank Gob.
  • I wonder if they'll let him play on the axis, as a number then, like Real did. At first...
  • > I have petitioned UK National Heritage that David Beckham should be saved for the British nation I was talking to mrs roryk about this, and she made the sensible point that despite Beckham's poor showing at Real Madrid, he's worth millions worldwide on name/face recognition. He's probably sold more football shirts and other accessories than any of Madrid's more consistent players. To some extent he's become a footballing institution, and it doesn't matter that he fails to deliver (much) on the pitch. And apparently he's Big in Japan.
  • Hell, I'm 5'7" and I'm big in Japan.
  • I guess this is the end of his career then. One question, is LA ready for Posh Spice!?
  • I am deeply ashamed to admit that I have a very extreme crush on David Beckham and I will admit that I shouted out the news to all in my office that this was, indeed, a very happy day! I am that much closer to his beauty. This American is quite happy to have him even if I am completely outraged and disgusted by the wads of cash that are being thrown his way. Although, better him than many of our own sports egos that blow it on various drug-induced scandals. And on the plus side....maybe now we Americans will actually get to see some damn soccer from time to time. No reason why you all should be total pigs about it and not share!
  • Darshon, we are the only two intelligent and rational human beings in this thread. Also we are well dressed and have the large sexual parts desired in our respective genders. All the other beckhamophobes are nothing but disgusting cyanobacteria, idiotically wriggling in the sheet-like films in which they cluster together as they produce a range of highly toxic effluvia.
  • All the other beckhamophobes are nothing but disgusting cyanobacteria He's the cynosure of all sore eyes, that's for true. And that wife of his! How is it that she has those enormous knockers on that skinny frame? Incredible natural beauty!
  • > cyanobacteria, idiotically wriggling in the sheet-like films in which they cluster together as they produce a range of highly toxic effluvia. Like oxygen?
  • Don't upset the delicate balance of quid's science. No one told him that cyanobacteria invented oxygen, or that stromatolites are actually the fossilized remains of soccer-haters. That's right. I said soccer.
  • I hadn't thought about the possibility of our getting Posh, too. I guess it's a fair swap for Madonna.
  • Like oxygen? Oh, look at the aerobic organism going on and on about his precious oxygen! WAAAH WAAAH BABY NEEDS HIS OXYGEN BOTTLE! Yeah, you go do your wonderful aerobics, buddy - don't worry about the vast quantities of discarded legwarmers and lycra clogging up our once-pristine oceans, and the carbon dioxide you exhale bringing on global warming. "Feel the burn" indeed - I hope your species is extirpated from all its traditional habitats, you goddam vertebrate.
  • Like the Old World sucker-footed bat? God I miss that little guy ...
  • *dons one piece lycra body suit* *hunts around for legwarmers*