January 10, 2007

Loonies found with bugging devices. Recorded sounds include thanks from buskers, insides of parking meters, and strippers demanding bills only.
  • Oh dear. It looks like it might be a false alarm.
  • But if you want to check out the process that goes into making one of these intelligence reports, this book is pretty much the best one around, and it's all availible free online. It's an absolutely fascinating read.
  • They're all missing the bigger picture here. That is, all Canadian coins have tracking devices in them. They just didn't check in the pockets of anyone who's not a defense contractor. They're watching everyone, I tell ya!
  • If you've ever touched a penny, the government's got your DNA!
  • "Canadian coins containing tiny transmitters have mysteriously turned up in the pockets of at least three American contractors who visited Canada, says a branch of the U.S. Department of Defence." So don't these people remember putting them in their pockets, or what?
  • Apparently they were planted.
  • Ohhh, loonies! I thoght it was gonna be about crazy people recording their phone conversations for evidence against the little men in their refrigerators or something.
  • Dreadnought, that refutation you linked to didn't actually come out and state that the coins weren't bugged.
  • I don't know. I think Lara is on to something. That's it. I'm only paying with Canadian Tire money and shiny pebbles from now on. puts on tinfoil hat and flushes all coins down the toilet
  • Great title, submitter!
  • /looks suspiciously at US coins /figures they're probably just coated with Bird Flu germs
  • Please speak clearly and directly into George Washington's head.
  • Oh sure, we get bugs on our money, the Irish get drugs.
  • Those Canadians, what a bunch a loonies!
  • Here's the original report [PDF] from the US DSS. See Appendix VIII. Me, I want to know more about the sexy password spies.
  • that refutation you linked to didn't actually come out and state that the coins weren't bugged "But a U.S. agency that investigated the complaint found no evidence of any secret transmitters, or of any other tampering." The article claims that the contracters had recieved special issue coins and assumed they had been tampered with.
  • That was actually Dreadnought posting. It's my fault, I used his computer and forgot to log out.
  • Maybe that's why American vending machines won;t take Canadian coins - they're afraid that the electronic listening devices will short-circuit them.