January 10, 2007
is a portraiture business offering drawings of men’s balls. *NSFW*
What a load of bollocks!
This moves me to song [audio].
Sorry. I get the milk for free.
Wow, scrotums (scrota?) are exceptionally hideous looking appendages.
Why not just frame pictures if she uses them as her 'models'? Oh wait, photography is not artsy enough.
Elephantine, almost.
This post is nuts!
Hmm, I didn't see any pics of Lance Armstrong.
"Jimmy? What in God's name are you doing in there?? Open this door!" *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang*
I'm combing my hair, mom! Don't come in!!
I like how she's working with a magnifying glass. Also, that there are 2 guys who seem brave enough to pose with their own portraits.
Sac-re bleu!
Trolley Land.
Wow, scrotums (scrota?) are exceptionally hideous looking appendages. I dunno. I would say there is a certain charm to those adorable little nibblets. But then, I'm a female. YMMV.
dear. gawd. theyre... hideous!
Those pictures should remind all men of the actual view available from downunder, so to speak. Always makes me giggle and think of turkeys, to myself, quietly, of course.
nibblets I prefer Kibbles 'n Bits myself...
Good one, fish tick
She's drawing them as they are described to her: "Yeah, they're huge."
MonkeyFilter: Always makes me giggle and think of turkeys, to myself, quietly, of course. Ya bunch of turkeys! Wattle it be then, hangers or danglers?
*fluffs feathers* /perches to watch.
Why not just get the fellers to walk around with little gilt frames around their nethers?
'Cause the frames fall off every time somebody turns down the thermostat.
Some would say it takes some balls To nail your knackers up on walls...
Hanging there, for all to mock...
The turkey underneath the smock...
That hold the widdle baby ballsies...
Is they real, or is they falsies?
Neuticles are as neuticles do...
So which variety hangs 'neath you?
No balls at all, she happily adds.
My guts stay inside, unlike those 'nads.
So why hide those goodies? Why not come out and play?
Hang free and proud, then loudly say...
Never let your dingle-dangle dangle in the sand. Pick it up In tissue paper and Carry it in your hand. anonymous>
©2007 The Mofi Testicular Chorus. All Rights Reserved.
*passes around pack of Handi-Wipes*
*refuses politely, as I've kept my hands behind my back the whole time
ah, GranMa, don't go bluenose on us.
It's amazing what GramMa can do with her hands behind her back. You should see her at the apple-bobbing barrel. Whoo-wee!
I hear she comes back out of the barrel with applesauce.
*peeks in thread* *jaw drops* *begins self-portrait*
Does she draw with a... *snigger snigger* ...draw with a.. *chuckle chuckle* ...with a BALL POINT PEN? *scampers off cackling like madwoman, burrows under duvet with Hobnobs and tattered copy of Cherry Ames, Student Nurse*
Tum, her basic drawings are done with a number two pencil, and are listed in the catalogue as sac noir. But you can get the same drawings done in pen, the sac re bleu.
*looks askance at TUM, raises eyebrow* Did anyone else get that? *sips tea*
Nope. Not a thing here. Are you sure the mic's on?
Okay, I could have done without that picture of the artist applying some instrument that looked painfully like some sort of electric drill to one of the ball sacs in question. Hey Balzac! I made a pun! And what is TUM on about? Something about making a point about balls being penned up? I give up.
I believe that in some circles of society, "ball" is used as a sort of euphemistic term for the gonad of a animal of the masculine sex.
You asked for it:
I call this Gonna Getcha Gonads. Framed, as it were, for your pleasure.
Nope, still don't get it.
Try tuning in the testicle better, Lara.
I said, "Give Elmo two test tickles!"
/fiddles with knobs
Someone needs to stop "test tickling" dxlifer.
two turntables and a microphone
bottles and cans just clap your hands just clap your hands
*self-adjusts the rabbit ears*
*stomps her feet*
*is where it's at*
That was a good drum break.
Too long I think. Bring back the bottles and cans.
*finishes a Diet Coke* *tosses empty can into the thread*
When the sign says FINE FOR LITTERING, it doesn't mean that this thread is just fine for dumping your garbage. *hands Lara a ticket for $1000*