December 20, 2006
Superzoom: From The Universe to a Quark
Having a bad day? Spilled marinara on your Great American Novel? Lost your glasses again? (Check on top of your head) - Don't worry, get some perspective. Like a visualization of the Universe that focuses in on the Milky Way, our Sun, Earth, etc.
Powers of Two.
Ahhh- "ten" not "10". Stupid dumb non-intuitive poopy search-hole. Although, fwiw, the video I posted is *not* in those links. Your Bashi, I move that the FPP be allowed to stand!
Your Bashi! Mr. Best is making a mockery of this blog! I move to Eek.
But, what's beyond the quarks?
quantum foam, perhaps
I went out for a pint and came home to Frogstar B.
Mon Capitaine! I am surprised you didn't reference that Canadian icon The NFB and their 1968 hand drawn version Cosmic Zoom! For the record I missed Powers of 10 the first time 'round, so I second the motion to keep.
If you zoom in close enough, will we see a notice that this page is Java? For those of us for whom Java loads pretty dern slowly and don't like having to wait to hit the Back Button?
Still, a really groovy app. Imagine my surprise when it zoomed in just 150 miles northwest of my hometown. Boo FSU Seminoles! Yay UF Gators!