December 18, 2006

The Clapper improved? That's impossible! The Clapper has now joined the 21st century with the all new Clapper Plus -- a remote controlled Clapper system that makes using and turning off your appliances even easier than clapping your hands!

By the makers of Urine Gone Stain and Odor Eliminator with Enzyme Action for Pet or People Accidents.

  • I so could not have one of these devices - I tend to clap my hands when I laugh. Would cause mayhem everytime I was amused!
  • Those wily Jack Russell Terrierists tend to make the lamp go on-and-off when they warn of approaching theives (helicopters, mail trucks, barometric pressure drops, the time is now 5:15 and 20 seconds - *Bark*) too. And I thought this post was good news about kitfisto's troublesome medical condition! Hi-ooooo!
  • Using the Clapper to operate a light at home: good idea. Using the Clapper to power a desktop computer at a flamenco dancing club: bad idea.
  • So let me understand this. The improved Clapper gives you a remote control that you can press and what happens? A robot claps for you? I think a loud clicking device might do just as well.
  • It would be like strobe flamenco! (If it was the lights and not a computer). I'm not sure they even have clappers here to turn on and off lights. Is it so hard to get up off your bum and flick a switch?
  • Is it so hard to get up off your bum and flick a switch? Aahahahah! Well, since the garage door fell on me, yes. Yes, it is. I can totally see how this might be difficult or exasperating for some. But instead of wimping out and ordering the new improved Clapper I have resolved to really work hard on my exercises and P.T. *chortle*
  • Feel better, zorgon!
  • Go Zorgon!
  • Cheeky horses, sneaky garage doors. It's war on monkeys, I say!
  • But then I'd need some kind of device to help me find the remote control. Maybe the remote-locating device could be activated with a handclap. So, I could clap my hands, then find the remote that I use instead of clapping my hands to turn off the light, and turn off the light with it.
  • Is a remote-control light really even a new thing? Shouldn't that have been invented sometime around the same time as the remote-control television or garage door opener? What about a stillness detector instead of a motion detector? Once you stop moving around the room, the lights go off. Get up to go to the bathroom, and the lights come on. Wait, that's still like a motion detector. Okay, so how about an indoor motion detector light?
  • The Clapper Commercial for those in backward places which may not have such marvels of modern technology.
  • My favourite always was the clearly pissed-off old woman in bed, turning off the tv.