December 12, 2006

All scores of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's works available online free. The site opened Monday, according to the CBC story, and has been deluged ever since ("NOTE: We are overvelmed by the resonance of this website"). New improved mega-servers expected soon.
  • Now if I only had a spare orchestra around, this would be even beter. What a cool thing to have these online. Mozart is likely my most favorite from that era. His inventiveness and creativity really were pretty surprising in that day. I think the fact that he added some genius humor to his music is pretty cool. ("Yo, Wolfy: you be da man!")
  • It's been DOS attacked by Salieri.
  • Thank you Intertubes! One small step for a musical clod . . . One . . giant leap for Intertubekind. *beep!*
  • Awesome. I feel like crashing some chamber groups now...
  • "When one hears such music, what can one say but -- Salieri!" (nod to smedleyman)
  • Waaay too many notes.
  • Mozart's french horn music is fun to play, as I remember. It was originally written for open horn (horns with no valves), but has been ably translated to the new instruments.
  • Good Lord, a french horn player! Is it true what they say that this is the hardest instrument to play?
  • Fish tick, this is brilliant. Thank you.
  • SB- IMO, the bowed stringed instruments are more difficult. It generally takes a few years of hard work just to get an acceptable sound out them- talk about delayed gratification! The French Horn is unique insofar as it is the most perilous to play. Due to the length of the tube involved, the horn is played on the upper partials of the fundamental which means that they are spaced very close together and that means that infinitesmal variations in lip pressure will result in a clam or fluffed note. Most FH live in a state of barely controlled terror. So it's perhaps it's more accurate to say that the FH is the most difficult instrument not to make a horrendous error on. They also have to worry about attracting amorous moose during mating season.
  • I play the triangle.
  • Needs more ... uh, nevermind.
  • the bowed stringed instruments are more difficult I dunno, I can eek out a tune on a few types, but when it comes to reed instruments, forget it. *honk!* *squoethhhh!* *fffthaapp!* *phhpeeeeenk* *bang!* (sound of shooting the saxophone in question)
  • What kamus said is essentially true, StoryBored. My first day of lessons, my teacher (whom I adored) said "there are 9,000 notes on the french horn, and 95% of them are wrong." He also described playing the horn as "great stretches of boredom interspersed with moments of sheer terror." You basically have to get comfortable with the fear of hitting a bum note -- just hit it and move on :) I loved playing the horn, and would like to get back into it someday. Plus, french horn players make good kissers!
  • *smoothes eyebrows, sprays binaca into side of face*
  • Is there some trick to this site, or is it just because I don;t speak much German? I can't seem to get to any actual scores.
  • TUM: go here and click on the rectangular red search button, then on the following page, click on "English" at the top right.
  • BTW, Although the French Horn may be terrifying to play, it is capable of the most sublime and exalted sounds in all of music. The horn solos in the Brahms symphonies (my fave is the 3rd), when played well, can be utterly transcendent, incandescent and can lead atheists to believe in God. My hat's off to the artists that dedicate themselves to creating those sounds. Start practicing Meredithea!
  • Point taken (but I'm still going with the B-3).
  • Thanks, tick. I did get further this time, but I still get a "Die Seite Wurde Nicht Gefunden" error message when I click on the PDF icons.
  • *hands TUM a tissue*
  • Sei du mein Trost, verschwiegene Traurigkeit! Ich flieh' zu dir mit so viel "Die Seite Wurde Nicht Gefunden," Nie klag' ich Glücklichen mein Leid: So schweigt ein Kranker bei Gesunden. *eats tissue*
  • Sorry, Ms. Monster - they're really overwhelmed right now. Maybe checking back in a week would be more profitable.
  • Too many notes.
  • the moody blues. most mellow harmless trip music ever. /so I've heard.
  • Anything by the Cowsills