December 10, 2006
Book List
it's the "top 10 365-leaf books" list. Fantastic stuff that we can all identify with. How many have you read?
What do you mean how many? You mean you haven't read them all??? Philistine!
My copy of Fowler's only has 728 pages! I've been short-leafed!
Well I purchased the expurgated version of Olsen's Standard Book of British Birds, so it has only 364 leafs.
At last! Books treated with "a poisonous insecticidal solution". Take one over to the silverfish thread, please.
The expurgated version?!?
3. The Nepticulidae and Opostegidae (Lepidoptera) of North West Europe Johansson, R et al, Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 1990, 730pp A hefty two-volume guide to the butterflies and moths of Scandinavia, with 54 colour plates. Most interestingly, this pair of books also includes 936 line drawings of "veins and male genitalia". Essential for those who wish to be shown what a REALLY tiny penis looks like. [my bold]
I've read all of them! All of them! What I don't know about Malaysia in 1937 doesn't even fill a thimble. No, joking. But I don't think that 4, 5, 7, or 10 look that bad. They might be interesting to peruse a page of each day. (If you keep in mind that I'm an incredible geek.)
11. The Nepticulidae and Opostegidae (Lepidoptera) of the Indian Subcontinent Johansson, R et al, Fauna Entomologica Indianica, 1990, 730pp For those who wish to be shown what a REALLY REALLY tiny penis looks like.
I am all for butterfly pr0n. If it makes them happy. Or is it really caterpillar pr0n?
I have read the expectorated versions, and they are GRRREAT!