December 08, 2006

BBC sez Indian men have tiny dicks.

Seriously, that's kind of a shitty thing to put on the front page. Poor little Indian men.

  • that's kind of a shitty thing to put on the front page You don't say!
  • *sniffs* Is that a trainwreck I smell? Trainwreck? Call this a trainwreck? Now I remember the trainwreck of '03 now that was a trainwreck. Not like the wrecks you get nowadays we had to walk uphill, 6 miles, going both ways with no shoes just to get around the trainwrecks from the old days.....
  • *points, laughs*
  • This is just uncalled for: "Over 1,200 volunteers from the length and breadth of the country had their penises measured precisely, down to the last millimetre."
  • It is kind of harsh, I think. It may be true, but does it really serve any purpose to make it into a news story? Aren't the only people who really need to know this the Indian condom makers?
  • Looking at it another way, they believe in reincarnation, so if you add up the total lengths from over the multiple lifetimes, they come out way ahead.
  • Great link!
  • The size of the penis is totally irrelevant from a biological perspective. It's possible to get pregnant from spooge that was deposited entirely outside the vaginal tract. If anything, longer penises are actually worse as they can irritate the cervix and give her cancer.
  • As my dear friend from Tokyo says, "It's not the size that matters, it's the stiffness!" He always said that with a grin of enthusiasm
  • The study found that more than half of the men measured had penises that were shorter than international standards for condoms. Snicker...snrf..."International Standards"? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The fact that international standards exist, and that somewhere there must be a committee determining such things, sets my brain a-wobble. *Wonders worriedly what the international standard is*
  • Looking at it another way, they believe in reincarnation, so if you add up the total lengths from over the multiple lifetimes, they come out way ahead. So we pity the minority religions? And Weezel did you get your stereotypes confused? Shouldn't it be "veddy, veddy small"? Thanking you veddy much for the post sir. What PigAlien said.
  • It's possible to get pregnant from spooge that was deposited entirely outside the vaginal tract. *blanches, hurriedly dials cell phone*
  • Whaddaya know, I'm hung like a Hindu!
  • does it really serve any purpose to make it into a news story? "The issue is serious because about one in every five times a condom is used in India it either falls off or tears, an extremely high failure rate." Plus, overpopulation and all that. But yeah, it's obviously just sensationalism. Those Brits are jealous b/c their national cuisine is nowhere near as tasty. And they're trying to psyche out the Indian Cricketers before the next test.
  • There is a test on catching crickets?
  • Ah, the old “westerners have such large penises" trick again, nah, I fell for that with the Chinpokomon thing, not this time, pal
  • Did you see that chick in the picture? She must get around, eh? What? I didn't post it!
  • To be fair to the BBC, I only saw it on the front page because it was under the "most e-mailed" sub-heading of "Most Popular Stories Now," not because some editor decided to get a dig in on the front page.
  • Here's what I'm thinking--since we are making jokes about the collective penis size of the men of one country, men of monkeyfilter, why not share with the rest of us how you measure up?
  • The fact that international standards exist, and that somewhere there must be a committee determining such things, sets my brain a-wobble. There was a piece in the Official Journal of the European Union back in the early 1990s that reported the Germans were complaining that the EU standard size of condom was insufficient for German manhood. Damned if I can find a reference now though.
  • > why not share with the rest of us how you measure up? Well, according to the Germans I'd be above average.
  • ours go to eleven.
  • Here's what I'm thinking--since we are making jokes about the collective penis size of the men of one country, men of monkeyfilter, why not share with the rest of us how you measure up? Don't ever believe it until you see it.
  • In my limited experience with Indian guys (n=2), they range from average to magnificent.
  • why not share with the rest of us how you measure up? I fell for that once, when someone asked my hand measurements 'for some woolie mitts'. Went to all the trouble of borrowing one of those tailor's measuring tapes and all. Only later I understood I was duped. I'm still waiting for my mitts. : (
  • Mandyman for president!!
  • Mandyman's first decree: 'In order to earn citizenship, a male must measure up. Plus, he has to make us laugh'.
  • Well, you know what they say about guys with big feet ... Big shoes
  • Hmm could it be something in their diet? (Note to self - Eat less curry)
  • I'm ISO compliant.
  • It would hve to be called "The Iner-nad-tional CondoMittee." Or else nobody would take them seriously.
  • Well, I've never managed to get a whole one in my mouth.
  • Apparently NPR suggests you turn to AskMefi for such matters...
  • How about cumulative insertions? Measured in miles. Or kilometers for the French.
  • "why not share with the rest of us how you measure up?" Last month I turned around too fast and derailed an El train.
  • something in their diet I bet you'll find that Indians generally are shorter than people in the developed world, because of the large numbers of malnourished poor. Further, I will bet that this story is simply reflecting widespread malnourishment. Once the average Indian man gets the same protein and energy intake as I do, I imagine that he'll have an average sort of penis. Malnutrition actually impacts the next generation. If your mum didn't get enough to eat when she was preggers, not only will you be small, but your children will be too. It takes three generations of consistently good food supply for people to reach their potential.
  • That's the best comment I've seen in this whole thread. Thanks for the enlightening, thoughtful and non-Farky comment, vitalorgnz. And it makes perfect sense too. If someone were, for some bizarre reason, to perform a study on penis length and correlate it to worldwide dietary studies, it would be realistic for them to overlap.
  • Nice theory, the whole nutrition thing I mean. Are African male cocks being considered also? That is the question. I don't personally believe a difference of 3 - 5 centimeters can be explained by diet. I'm a vegi yet my own cock almost touches the ground!!! but only when I lay down. On my front.
  • Just to clarify, I'm expecting that there is a straightforward relationship between stature and penis size.
  • From: Aidsmap: Types of condoms There are quite considerable variations in penis size amongst men in the UK which are related to some extent to ethnicity. It was recently estimated that a third of penises in the UK exceed the size designated as 'average' in the UK condom standard. A London GUM clinic recently investigated this variation and found that black men experienced the problem of condoms splitting more frequently, whilst Asian men were more likely to report problems with condoms slipping off. Well, it's to be expected that a good proportion of penises will be of 'above average' size, otherwise it wouldn't be an average. The problem is how to communicate the different-sized condoms without alienating some customers. 'Snug' fitting seems to be one way, or "trim" condoms. Yes, vitalorgnz, I'd expect there's a relationship between body mass and penis size. In direct contradiction of what I mentioned above, I've found references to articles that say the Germans are unhappy with how big the EU average size has been set.
  • Obsessed with phallus.
  • When we'd get the condom demonstration in college, someone would always put one over their whole forearm to prove that no man was too big for your average rubber. This always led me to believe that, when a condom broke, it was more about misuse than penis size. Isn't this the case, or am I mistaken?
  • I think it's both. I've noticed a reasonable amount of variance in UK condom size (e.g. Mates are snugger on average than Durex) with the snugger being less reliable. On the other hand, I also noticed that once I began to take enough time to put a condom on properly, incidence of breakage fell dramatically. What's missing in the condom-over-the-forearm test is friction and the potential for some part of the condom to be repeatedly stretched more than other parts.
  • "Where all the dicks are above average."
  • randomaction wrote: "my own cock almost touches the ground!!! but only when I lay down. On my front." That's fucking hilarious. ))!
  • On the bright side, India's economy is improving - think of the market for Hummers.
  • This article has been on the BBC's top read ane e-mailed for three days now.
  • My only thought on the matter is that they appear to do the job.
  • Why can't we have a good old discussion of cock without CERTAIN PEOPLE getting all farky-sexist on us? That's what I want to know. Shut up. I'm going.
  • I measure mine in cubits due to the biblical proportions involved.
  • Make that four days.
  • Kilgates I doubt it-really
  • Make that five days. Outrage is really pouring out on the BBC comments.
  • Sweet. Penis-related outrage. Tagline for most of recorded history, really. A few more of these threads and I think we can just about wrap up The Case of The Earth-Bound Humans. *cue dramatic music*
  • MonkeyFilter: Sweet penis related outrage. I knew lurking this one would pay off.
  • Sixth day.
  • COCK!
  • CUNT! Oh sorry wrong thread
  • Seventh day! This is getting sad.
  • I thought you were counting days I hadn't eeked it at first, Vertex. I think you're up to seven in MoFi time though.
  • This may or may not be related, but I just finished The Plot, Will Eisner's graphic novel about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and he talks a lot about how people think of stereotypes and will support anything that supports their claim, so causing a sort of recursive loop. I wonder if that explains some of the popularity of this article.
  • > people think of stereotypes and will support anything that supports their claim Is there a stereotype re Indian men's penises? I never heard of one. I think the story is popular because men are obsessed with penis size and stories about penis size are generally considered a good laugh.
  • stories about penis size are generally considered a good laugh. Sexists!11!1!
  • Meh, I assumed there was a stereotype for just about every ethnicity. Does that make me guilty of stereotyping about penises?
  • Yes, but it's a good laugh.
  • It's been the most e-mailed and red for a week now. My friend at BBC says they've received over 6300 outraged emails from India alone.
  • Penis anxiety is a kind of global lingam franca
  • It's been the most e-mailed and red for a week now. My friend at BBC says they've received over 6300 outraged emails from India alone. Who the hell opens an email with the word penis in the title?
  • I never ever had anxiety or obsession about the size of my penis. Other than, in fact, in school, at about 15 I was more concerned it was too big. I didn't want people to see it in gym class, I wanted to try to hide my genitals, I thought my genitalia was too large & freakishly embarrassing. That's how stupid I am. After I got out of high school I never worried about that. I have nothing else to add to this thread. I have never seen an indian man's penis. If someone wanted to show me, I would look, I guess. What kind of pubes do they have? Curly or .. ?
  • I'll scan mine if you scan yours ... :D
  • Is there a stereotype re Indian men's penises? I never heard of one. Sarcasm? FPP?
  • Is there a stereotype re Indian men's penises? I never heard of one. Sarcasm? FPP? No, not sarcasm. I guess this thread's a stereotype in the making though.