December 06, 2006

Carbon Offsets. Sure they are critised as enviro indulgences, an easy out for rich western polluters and governments alike. But then again, they are for real. New offset organizations are popping up all the time, so it pays to do some reseach before chosing your provider.
  • Ok look, I'm going to shit on your face but then I'm going to give some money to someone else to not shit on your face. See, that offsets my shitting on your face. / hot carl
  • This was just on NPR the other day. Guy pays company carbon offset monies that provide electrical outlets at truckstops. This eliminates the need for semis to idle their engines to keep their cargo from spoiling or whatever. Deisel exhaust is reduced and air quality is not harmed. Brilliant!! Journalist informs guy that those outlets do not exist anywhere and semis still have to idle their engines. It sounded like the guy was totally caught off guard upon hearing this. Guy: uh, well im paying money to provide the future. cough..cough...bullshiat... Its like environmental confessional. Forgive me father, for i have polluted the air. Here's a five spot, k?, we cool now? or.. Its like insurgents donating money to remove land mines in Somalia so they can plant IEDs in Iraq. .
  • I will gladly accept $29.95/year from 1000 people not to drive around in my car and not to clear cut any forests.
  • You'd be more convincing without the squirrel between your teeth.