December 06, 2006
so my official guess is "What the fuck would jesus do for a Klark bar?" [sic]
close, so close...
What The Fuck Would Jesus Do For American King Bush?
WTF would jesus do for a kunty books.
Where The Fragrant Winds Just Drift, French Ass-Kicking Bastards Whoa, didn't expect that ending there.
What is "What The Fuck Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar"? I'll take Malformed Malapropisms for $400, Alex.
When The Feckless, Wobbly Jaded Dudes Frolic At Kerfluffle Buttes
Why, The Fans Will Jeer Drinkers' Foot-dragging After Kentucky Bourbon.
What The Fuck Was Jesus Doing Fucking A K-mart Boss?
Why The Fuck Would Jesus Dis Fat Albert's Kind Bud? no class...
Whammo Toodle Fling Wobble Juju Dammit Flippy Aardvark Krusty Burger? Pretty sure I nailed it there ...
Whammo Toodle Fling Wobble Juju Dammit Flippy Aardvark Krusty Burger? Damnit, that's what I was going to say.
So we delete Ninja Day now and leave horseballs and single links to Wikipedia? I'm starting to think that the criticisms of MoFi are accurate.
Self-linking is not allowed. Horseballs are.
You read the Wikipedia entry, now get the t-shirt! I gave one of these shirts to a friend for his birthday a few years back. The cop who pulled him over didn't like it. Which made it so worth it.
Having a gwumpy day, fuyu?
wherefore 'tis fuyugare waxing judgemental? do fancifully answered kwestions bother?
When The Fuyugare Whines, Judge Dred Fucks Ape's Krazy Blog.
When trolling for willing johns, don't forget about kondoms breaking.
Why do you make my internet experience so awful?