November 29, 2006

Listen! The FreeSoundProject is an amazing bounty of sound. Stressed out? Spend a moment in an evening forest. Bored? Run for shelter from a thunderstorm. Tired? Meditate to the sound of the awesome Tibetan throat chant. Each sound comes with a cool graph of the waveform. I'd post some more but i have to go answer the phone .
  • I got a random sample of someone walking along a stony beach and moving shells and stones around. It was kind of cool.
  • I got a hate Bush rant. And AIDS.
  • Then you're in the wrong thread. Okay, this time I got a weird electronic siren noise. Not as good as the shells. I give it 2/10.
  • I got either bacon frying or a waterfall, accompanied by faint intermittent hollow thump. Now I'm hungry and thirsty.
  • Ice carving in Sweden for me. Different accent than when the Finns do it, I reckoned.
  • Tire rolling on gravel. Sounded like a fireplace.
  • I gotta freight train
  • Crackly-thumpy thing.