November 27, 2006

Maud Fontenoy, tough cookie. After rowing across the Atlantic solo, and then the Pacific last year, Maud is now doing something a little more 'sensible', by by putting down the oars and sailing around the world solo, southern hemisphere, against the prevailing winds. She's having regular contact every day with visitors to the Musee de la Marine in Paris, if you feel like having a chat before she rounds the Horn.
  • "Puis, redémarrez votre navigateur." is what the first link says to me ... which seems somehow to be an appropriate comment for Maud herself! (not that I understand the French) Ellen sob your heart out ...
  • That old compromisin', enterprisin', anything but tranquilizing, Right on Maud! Welcome back, Louis, you meetup-having-non-photo-taking-shoutout-snubbing type person.
  • [From MoFi Guidelines: Let us know, too, if your link contains Flash, Quicktime, an mp3, anything that involves plugins or a download.]
  • Um, gotcha. Sorry, monkeys.
  • A salty wench, indeed! If I had a tenth of her energy, I could do that sinkful of dishes.
  • P.S. You said horn.
  • That's one skookum boat. Long may your big jib draw, Maud!
  • which seems somehow to be an appropriate comment for Maud herself! It, er, means "relaunch your browser". Hey, "launch"!
  • A salty wench, indeed! If I had a tenth of her energy, I could do that sinkful of dishes. Ack. I'd rather paddle a flatboat than do dishes.