November 19, 2006

Fisting and God's Will Plunging into sex-positive Christianity: "My love thrust his hand through the opening, and my feelings were stirred for him. (Song of Solomon 5:2-4)"

"…a wife who is fisted by her husband has the experience of surrendering completely to the divine love and power of the Lord, as embodied by her partner’s hand. The husband in turn has the experience of touching and caressing her inwardly, in such a deep and intimate manner as God touches our own souls with His grace."

  • wow.
  • I think the appropriate term here is cognitive dissonance. My meter runneth over.
  • I'm probably not one to cast aspersions considering my posting history, but is Monkeyfilter gonna just be about the most puerile sexual subjects all the time, & every extended converstation gonna turn towards the prurient? At some point someone has to say, please find some better goddamn material.
  • That's a good way to rend the veil of your temple in twein.
  • How about something totally unrelated, kinda like a YouTube version of a sorbet to cleanse the palate? Mr. Pregnant sings Lady in Red.
  • Fistula Fun. So this Islam thing... where do I sign up?
  • Hmmm... is this what they're teaching at the nudist Baptist Church?
  • is ... every extended converstation gonna turn towards the prurient? It was a lot more fun when every converstation turned into an orgy of in-jokes you only understood if you'd read every thread since 1996 twice in the last month. This prurience, it has a more universal appeal. I don't like it. I need my in-group signifiers!!!1!
  • "Fister Christian"--wasn't that a Night Ranger song?
  • Touched (inappropriately) by the hand of God
  • Fister Christian, this is mutiny.
  • That's what Roger the Cabin Boy said.
  • How do Fistians celebrate Fistmas?
  • With fustian fisty-in'?
  • With fistletoe?
  • Fister Christian Oh the time has come And you know that you're the only one To say O.K. Where you going What you looking for You know those boys Don't want to play no more with you It's true
  • So "motorin'" refers to the introduction of a vibrator to the situation? /disgusting, horrible prurience
  • He was fisting his wife. But on the other hand...
  • I think the appropriate term here is cognitive dissonance. We all recognize satire when we see it, right?
  • The Hand of the Lord works in mysterious ways....
  • Fisted By an Angel