November 14, 2006

Hi tech T-shirt really rocks It's called the WIS - the Wearable Instrument Shirt - and it is tipped to make the air guitar as obsolete as the horse and cart.
  • Hmm... how will this affect sliced bread though?
  • Your gigs just suddenly got easier.
  • In the interest of science, you need to try one as soon as they become available - and report back to us. I wonder if the sound comes through the shirt. If it does, would it tickle? Would really loud heavy metal give you a heart attack? So many questions.
  • there stood a kilted piper on the crest of yon hill aye, he waved his arms grandly and he's waving still to play a mournful tune was his entire intent but without Wearable Instrument Gloves his pipes remained silent
  • Garry Shandling's an air guitarist? Who knew?
  • I wonder if the sound comes through the shirt No, they had this bloke on the radio this morning, and he said you have to plug the shirt into a PC, which then produces the correct music with idiot-proof software. Which slightly spoils it for me.
  • idiot proof, eh? I smell a challenge!
  • Yeah no way. No. Way. This shirt to actual guitar is like the Atari 2600 4-bit "cube" character on-screen to the airbrushed sci-fi detailed character on the box. I laugh derisively! Ha! Ha! Say how's that cure for cancer coming along? /fussy_today
  • This won't really take off with the hardcore air guitarists until they develop the interface to jacking it into your 240 Watt Peavey Air-Half-Stack. Maybe with Air Wireless. Then it'll like, totally rule.