November 13, 2006

Good day, Mr. Kubrick... Meet Brian Atene, a remarkably self-assured young man auditioning for Full Metal Jacket. Fast forward a couple decades, and meet him again, if it is indeed him. [YouTubey, Wiki goodness]

Seeing as how this is a viral bit a few weeks old, you've likely seen it elsewhere already. Or, if your new boss is peering over your shoulder and MoFi is the one site you check out these days, have at it!

  • So, there are either two people out there that I hope I never meet, or there is one person out there that I hope I never meet. That is the only suspense.
  • Is he doing a Roddy McDowall impression in that first video? Because if so, it's pretty good. And I don't think that second video is him. It's pretty obviously a parody.
  • Fat guy is not him. I wouldn't call it a viral, unless maybe you know something I don't. The first one is apparently real, the second one just a piss-take. The second one was uploaded from a different account, IIRC. The first one, however, is speculated to have been uploaded by Atene himself.
  • Wiki-link called it viral. Me, idunno any better.
  • I see. I couldn't get wikipedia to load earlier, but now I grok. They are saying it spread in viral fashion. I have come to associate the term with advertisements. My error.
  • So...what do you make of his interpretation of the pony boy character as injured prospector/cowhand/runaway slave? I can't remember anything about the book from when I read it 20 years ago, so I don't know if Atene's or Macchio's take is more textually correct.
  • RTD, you made my day. [Ah skeeeeered!]
  • Mesmerizing.
  • Imagine the brutal ferocity of his passion when he masturbates in private.
  • > So...what do you make of his interpretation of the pony boy character Hammier than a napalmed pig farm.
  • ...what do you make of his interpretation of the pony boy character... Wasn't he doing Johnny?
  • Crap, you're right--it was Johnny. I stand corrected--or rather, lie corrected, strapped immobile to a table. Not because of mah bahk or anything. I just prefer it.
  • The REAL Brian Atene returns. (YouTube) He's not fat. It's definitely him. The guy is fucking nuts!