November 12, 2006

Evolution of a Magazine Masthead: From 1930 to the present day, the changing face of Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact.

Also, a gallery of covers FROM ALL TIME! Gleaned from the archives of Those Who Have Forgotten.

  • The gallery is very cool indeed! Astounding even!
  • In the March 15th issue in 2016, they will change their name from Analog to Quantum Nano, an event that will spawn the Digital IgNoration War of March 7th to March 8th and a new black hole where the 3rd planet used to be.
  • Coolth! I love this kind of stuff. Amazing how tastes change over the years. I do a lot of design and layout stuff for work, and I got to talking to the university’s visual identity folks. One of them said that, unless you’re shooting for the kind of visual recognition of, say, the Nike or Fruit of the Loom logo, a logo’s shelf life is about 2-3 years. And, that the majority of long-lived logos (logi?) were introduced decades ago, before the sort of visual media saturation we have today was commonplace. Of course, they may have been just talking out of their asses to justify the millions thewy spent changing the university’s logo... back to the same thing it was before they spent millions changing the logo to something else five years ago.
  • Cool.
  • Neat. I'm kinda partial to the one they showed for 1962...