March 05, 2004

It Takes A Lot of Nerve To Post This Glenn Reynolds and LT Smash have a lot of nerve accusing Kristen Breitweiser and Monica Gabrielle of "politicizing" 9/11. Both women have lost their husbands at the WTC. The reason that they have not been happy with the President is because the White House has been constantly stonewalling the 9/11 Commission. Even Republican and commission chairman Tom Kean has gotten fed up with it. Reynolds and Smash feel it is just partisan politics. I wasn't aware that Breitweiser and Gabrielle worked for the DNC.
  • Don't know much about Reynolds, but I read Lt. Smash's blog while he was in Kuwait, and thought he did a good job of revealing just enough. I stopped reading it after he came back to the US. He claims to be a social liberal and an economic conservative, but his views aren't llberal in any way I'd recognize. And, he seemed to be a little too happy with the attention he gotten - empowered. in a sense. with internet attention in the grander scheme of things. On the other hand, he seems like a good guy in a lot of ways, but not someone we should rely on as an expert. I don't think his opinion makes any more difference than mine (or yours) does.
  • This article explains how Dick Cheney stonewalled Kristen Breitweiser and Monica Gabrielle and tried to stop the 9/11 Commission from getting off the ground. These women caught Cheney's lackey in Congress, Portor Goss, hiding behind a door because he didn't want to face them. Amazing.
  • "I don't think his opinion makes any more difference than mine (or yours) does." ok. just for fun, path, lt. smash averages nearly 4000 hits per day. glenn reynolds, also known as instapundit, averages closer too 100k hits per day. so if a web presence matters, whose opinion matters more: widely read people (even if you disagree with them) or yours? it could be yours, im not really arguing that. what is mofi stats lately? what makes someone's opinion matter more, on the web? isn't it arguably reader stats? or isn't it? worth a discussion.
  • Owl - sure, it's worth a discussion, but who's "hitting" those sites? I don't know that instapundit or lt. smash are getting more than momentary attention from anyone who doesn't agree with them. And, check me if I'm wrong, but the same 104,000 people may be accessing those sites on a daily basis (or maybe the same 20,000 checking them out several times a day. How many people access the internet on a daily) basis - and what percentage of that is 104K, or 20K, or whatever? Monkeyfilter's statistics don't really enter into the fray, here, in my opinion. This is not a personal site dedicated to a specific political position, though we do have some political debate. No one has referred to MoFi's hits to support a position - and it wouldn't do them any good if they did since the topics discussed are much broader, or sillier, than those on political sites. If you agree with the opinions of instapundit and lt. smash, that's fine, but you haven't convinced me that they should get anymore credence than any of the others written by individuals with an agenda. The nice think about MoFi is that the agenda is secret and only known by those of us with a user number less that 100. (Kidding, of course.)
  • Rush Limbaugh also likes to point to his popularity when people point out how utterly wrong and stupid his arguments are.
  • Lt. Smash and Ted Rall: birds of a feather?
  • path - i worded my question badly. first it shouldn't have been put just to you, i meant anyone who thought the question was interesting. any other pronoun in my last post should be taken in the same sense as the 'royal we'. second i wasn't trying to convince anyone of the 'rightness' of either of those guys opinions. the debate i was proposing was that someone's opinion makes more of a difference the wider an audience it reaches, even if it makes no difference to any one person. really it was just an idle thought at an idle moment.
  • Glenn Reynolds has a couple updates to the post. ANOTHER UPDATE: James Lileks, as usual, nails it:
    Well. It
  • Here's a news piece from on the Bush commercial. Go to the In the News link on the top left.
  • That's enough about Reynolds now.
  • Heh.
  • I have a friend who was in Manhattan and lost friends at the WTC. She wrote blog posts of that day here, here, and here. She wrote a guest post in my blog in response to the Bush ads and Glenn Reynolds.
    Glenn Reynolds calls those who criticize Bush