October 31, 2006
Give this pumpkin a nudge with your mouse and watch it spin. I think this will be today's "background". In related news, NPR is reporting that the Hubble repair mission is almost certainly on.
What does a .kmz extension represent? Is Google Earth necessary to load this?
Yes, it is a google earth link. The second link goes to a small screenshot and explanation.
kmz == keyhole meta, uh, z.
math is hard!
My workplace watched this in the background all day today. Thanks, Flitter!
Where do you find these pictures?
Regretably bringing hippos and pumpkins back to pumpkins and earth, teh google finds me
Taweret, the Hippopotamus, Protector of Pregnant Women, Mistress of the Horizon, demon-wife of Apep In the northern sky and never setting, covering much of the constellation now known as Draco, the bane of Potter.