March 04, 2004

R2D2 gives Ben & Luke a thrill. The little droid clearly got his holograms mixed up - but Luke & Ben don't seem so unhappy! (probably NSFW) Note: Windows Media file - 3 Megs - won't play automatically. Nothing shocking, really, worth a laugh! Check out their faces. Snarfled from zFilter
  • Many so-called "hilarious" posts leave me cold, but this one made me laugh out loud and call my buddy over from his office. Worth the effort. Thanks!
  • Aw, I want in on the action. I can't get it to play in either Mozilla or IE. Please hope me!
  • Well, you should just save the link target or whatever the right-click menu command is in your browser, put it on the desktop or wherever, and watch it like that. They give you the option to save it.
  • [banana]
  • Right-click save didn't work in Firefox (gave me some sort of page could not be loaded deal), but finally did download it by right-clicking in IE. The concept isn't very funny, but I did chuckle a bit at Ben and Luke's perfect reactions.
  • psst. looking for a home for this guy:            .•' ▀▀ '•.                     .• ◄██  ██► •.                   •     ▄▄▄▄     •                •      █◘██      •              • ██    ████  ██ █ •             • ██ █      ☻ ██ █ •          ╔══▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄══╗        ║  ║ │▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄││ ║  ║       ║  ║ │▄▄   ▄▄▄▄▄   ││ ║  ║       ║  ║ │▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ││ ║  ║       ║  ║ │   │║▓▓▓║│   ││ ║  ║       ╚╗ ║ │___│║▓▓▓║│   ││ ║  ║        ║ ║ ══│ │║ - ║│   ││ ║ ╔╝         ║ ║ ══│ │║▓▓▓║│   ││ ║ ║         ║ ║ ══│_│║▓▓▓║│___││_║ ║         ║ ║___│_│║___║│___││_║ ║        ╔╣ ║▓▓   │║▓▓▓║│ ││░░-║ ╠╗       ║╚═╣▓▓[]_│║▓▓▓║│ ││░░-╠═╝║       ║  ╚══════════════════╝  ║       ║ ╔═╦══╦══════════╦══╦═╗ ║       ║ ║ ║  ╚╗_      _╔╝  ║ ║ ║      ╔╝_║ ║   ╚══╦══╦══╝   ║ ║_╚╗    ╔╝═░╚╗║      ║__║      ║╔╝░ ╚╗   ╔╝    ╚╗     ╔╝░░╚╗     ╔╝ ░  ╚╗  ╚══════╝    ╔╝ ░░ ╚╗    ╚══════╝              ╚══════╝ he'll be quiet, i promise
  • grr, internet explorer mucks up spacing. this looks okay in firefox and opera.
  • )))!!!
  • Looks great in IE 5.0! That is an abstract picture of small flower pot arrangement, right?
  • Holy shit! roryk, YOU ARE MY FATHER. I am so ripping that off.
  • Many bananas! ASCII ones!