October 20, 2006
Line Rider
Draw a line, hit "play", watch the sled guy ride it.
Simple. Friday. Flash. Fun.
The Tragedy of Line Rider in which Liney performs a triple loop and jumps his sled over several sharks and is punished by an angry vengeful God for hubris.
And in different Friday Flash Fun (and because I already posted today) check out NYC crime locations where they are happening right now. I loves me a Friday morning perp search...
nifty shizzle MonkeFlizzle!
I can't begin to imagine how long it took to make The Tragedy....
Holy shit, that video is fantastic. Particularly because while the game is super-cute (thanks, petebest!) you do actually have to get the physics right, and that's where my sled guy just crashed and burned repeatedly. Oops.
meh.. no urine.
Meh = the Hungarian word for bee. Ye called?
Randomaction: Enough of your negative comments. Your'npossible.
Urine possible? S'pose not.
y'all sleigh me.
The best run I've seen (YouTube link)
until I saw this one (Thanks YouTube)