October 15, 2006

The Inner Life of a Cell. An 8-minute Flash production that may be the most eerily beautiful thing you see today. And just try not to laugh at the motor protein shuffling along in fuzzy slippers.
  • (shuffles along in kinesin/dynein slippers)
  • good find, tickie!
  • absolutely beautiful - I love the way self organization is depicted. Any idea where we can see the full 8 minute animation? (the flash animation is only a couple minutes long)
  • I love the little walking stick-like dude dragging the big globby thing up the ramp-like thing.
  • You eggheads and your sciency-science mumbo-jumbo! Try to dumb it down for the rest of us slobs, nunia!
  • Sorry, Koko; I just assume that everyone else had Globology in high school. My bad.
  • The only thing I can't wrap my head around is the sense of space in this video. The objects are drawn to scale, but they're placed in a disproportionately large environment. My limited (but hopefully improving) understanding of biochemistry is that so much is possible in cells because things are really crowded and close together -- certain molecular interactions wouldn't be possible otherwise. They cop to that in the linked article, though. And it's still pretty. Between this and polychrome's excellent post, quite a good day for neato cell bio stuff!
  • Any idea where we can see the full 8 minute animation? Huh- I thought it was 8 minutes! Must've been on comics time, there. And on searching for the full version, I see also that this thing has been all over the place! Here I thought I had found something so stunningly original - tch!
  • pretty good discussion over here.
  • Nice Postie, Fish. Here is a play-by-play explanation of what you're seeing in the animation. .... Then the coolest bit of the video - a microtubule motor protein pulls a vesicle to its destination in the cell. The cellular motor proteins really do look like this - their mechanism of action is basically a walk forwards.
  • Thanks for the link, StoryBored. I enjoy the animation much more now that I understand what it is I'm seeing.
  • That little motor protein dude needs some little pants, tho.
  • Joedan, u're welcome! That little motor protein dude needs some little pants, tho. I averted my eyes during that part.
  • Brilliant. Even though I spend my days working with computers (and the animations really are pretty amazing) I am intensely intrigued by biosciences and the workings of complex human microscience.