October 11, 2006

Curious George: Do you p0wn Do monkeys game online?

If so whats your favorite? Favorite server if applicable, and favorite past time in that game. Anything is possible here. Second Life Quake The Sims Personally I am a huge fan of Unreal Tournament 2004 and this will be one of my main motivations behind buying the PS3 for 2007. I frequent the Spam Viking servers and love to play Onslaught.

  • Back in the day I p0vvX0r3d me some UT. At night, I sometimes fall into misty reverie of those adventures on Phobos . . . ah well. Good times, good ti-*splAt* You like that?
  • Yes. Yes I do. WoW at the moment (Anvilmar). Used to be CoH. Never played The Sims Online, because I heard it suckedsuxxor3d. Play The Sims notOnline plenty though. I got yer Bella Goth right here!
  • UT is the Suxorz!!!! CT pwnz j00! I have a l33t gaming blog. check my profile.
  • What the hell is CT?
  • World of Warcraft. I'm generally way better than average in the Battle Grounds & seem to be making scads of gold on the auction house. I have gather and trade characters. Almost always go solo, unless someone specifically asks for help. Though I've only got 2 lvl 39, and sundry others less than that. I keep on starting new toons. Eve. Yeah well mining and training seem to be the order of the day. Might create another character to try piracy of something. Occasional drunken furious forays into: Battlefield 2. CounterStrike. I occasionally get a streak of ownership lasting over several kills, which is a delightfully satisfying sensation. Rather like shagging an apple pie, if ones bits were equipped with a working mouth. I.. eh.. guess. But I generally hover below average.
  • I pwnd zork.
  • M0nk33F1l+eR: Rather like shagging an apple pie, if ones bits were equipped with a working mouth.
  • CT = CS. that's my own uberl33t term for it. Or I was just thinking about T vs CT. Or I'm dumb. 3-4 times a year I get a free weekend from City of Heroes and I rock that sh1t! Last weekend I had one and went up two levels! woot! lvl19 techno blaster! My sniper rifle rocks! Obviously they keep giving me the free weekends to try and get me to subscribe, but I think I would get bored if I had access to it on a daily basis. So 3-4 weekends a year is perfect.
  • You're a sick prevert, random. Mmmhhhh... pie. I take it you've all seen the South Park WoW episode? Been hearing about this being 'the best SP ep ever", but found it a little slow.
  • I play WoW on Gorefiend. Our guild (Baelfire) has MC, ZG, AQ20, BWL and Onyxia on farm status, currently progressing in AQ40 and soon in Naxx. I guess we p0wn, although I don't have much to do with that...
  • You just made all that shit up, didn't you?
  • I wanna play Team Fortress again...I still wander the halls of Two Forts in my sleep.
  • Hey, I've "laid" lotsa times.
  • Koko? No, I seriously didn't make any of it up. Since you play WoW I assume you know what they mean and that's why you're wondering. I joined a hardcore guild, although I'm no real hardcore player. I currently run MC with these guys, my first trip out (with the guild, and to MC in general) we cleared the instance in less than 4 hours without a wipe. They do that every week. We downed Nef recently, I think we just downed Skeram in AQ40 this weekend, and people are working on getting attuned to Naxx. Playing in a hardcore guild is very different from a casual one. Running MC with a guild that has it on farm status is way different than running LBRS with your friends. It was intense. These guys know what they're doing, and the game experience just changes at that level. But you really have to dedicate a lot of your time to it, and because of that I'm not a regular raider with them. Our schedule is pretty much a full week. Sunday, MC, Monday, AQ40, Tuesday a 20-man (ZG or AQ20), Wednesday BWL, Thursday more BWL, Friday and Saturday 20-man. Onyxia whenever she pops. Every MC is preceded by a head turn-in so we can get the buff. These guys are serious, so much so that they scare me in some cases.
  • I just thought your long string of abbreviations looked funny so I made joke. I've only been playing WoW for a few months, so none of those terms mean anything to me. I am a "n00b", so feel free to "gank" me. kthxbye :) P.S. that is some hardcore shit. I am obviously out of my league here ...
  • Hey, I've "ganked" lotsa times.
  • I play DOTA and loved this video http://basshunter.m0o.eu/dota/index_en.php I play a little CS:S on the side, but by far, most of my gaming is spent pwning teh DOTA n00bs. I'm thinking of getting the new Guild Wars
  • I played wow for about a year on shadowsong, ending 9 months ago. I used to pwn at waiting in line for battlegrounds. I now spend a more moderate amount of time on atitd. There is no pwning there. (The link is to explain what it is, I'm not trying to promote it.)
  • Anyone play city of heroes/villians? Any good? Been looking at it, never tried it.
  • I played a bit on my brother's account. I found the gameplay to be even more repetitive and dull than other mmorpgs, if you can imagine that. YMMV, of course.
  • Oh, okay. You get to start using abbreviations around level 30-40, when you look for groups and don't want to type Razorfen Kraul or Scarlet Monestary a dozen of times within an hour. ZG = Zul'Gurub MC = Molten Core BWL = Blackwing Lair AQ = Ahn'Qiraj Naxx = Naxxramas It's hardcore, yes. And yeah, I'm pretty much out of my league, but I try my best. I wonder if some of these people get paid to game for a living...
  • I played City of Heroes for 2+ years, and CoV since its release, and enjoyed both immensely. I even got Chy to try it, and he liked it too (although we couldn't team up because he was on the stupid smelly Euro server). It does get very samey after a while though. World of Warcraft offers some different things for your toon to do, so it's not just get mission/kill things/repeat as much. The animation in CoH/CoV is far superior to WoW, however, IMO.
  • I still play Tribes 1. Started aboot 7 yrs ago. No CS/Halflife No Warcrack No Sims nada. FPS+Z pwns running. Graphics, although nice, aren't necessarily everything.
  • I play fantasy basketball online. Is this the right thread for me?
  • *levels lightning gun reticle on HawthorneWingo*
  • HWingo! Pass!
  • One time I decided to give this MMORPG thing a shot, found a free one called "Runequest"! One hour later and that was that.
  • Halo 2 FTW
  • I like adventure games and RPGs and games with a combination of both elements, but I don't do online multiplayer stuff. I love Morrowind and am looking forward to having some kind of system that can run Oblivion (preferably a PC, because I, um, like to use console cheats, and you can't use console cheats on the XBox - doubt it'll be available on the PS3 either). I don't care much about pwning - in fact, I prefer combat to be as small a portion as possible, because it interferes with my problem-solving, damn it. (Although, it is a pretty quick and easy way to "solve" certain "problems.")
  • I used to play EQ on the E'ci server and ran with a pretty good crowd (The Keepers) and played CoH in beta. I'm currently hooked on Far Cry...but I really suck.
  • I am behind. I havea copy of the WarCraftIII expansion set that has never been opened. Have yet to beat WCIII last level and haven't played it online (because nobody else still plays it). Used to play StarCraft for a while but then my one friend who still had it became an Everquest junkie and then a beta tester for WoW. Enjoy an occasional Q3 Arena deathmatch but my copy of the game is, uh... questionable? and so I have a hard time hitting many servers. Plus my brother-in-law (only person I know who has a copy) lost his broadband, so no chance to play anyone I knew (which makes it kind of not so fun). So, no, not much online play. Not that I don't want to, just that I have a job. Back when I was a grad student I had more time. Being a grownup sucks.
  • ...and I don't see the point in buying a game and then having to buy a subscription. I either own it or I don't, end of story to me.
  • I play WoW. I'm in a large casual-friendly guild that is organised and one of the oldest on the server (Khaz'goroth), with a large contingent of people who enjoy PvP. We have our own style that would probably be frowned upon by hardcore raiding guilds (even if some of our members play a lot). I generally play WoW instead of watching TV or if my wife is watching a film I'm not really interested in. I also play the odd game of CS:S or 1.6 or Day of Defeat, when i'm not busy doing other more important things or playing the one of many games that I have got but not finished (such as the copy of Max Payne that I bought for about $5 over a year ago).
  • I have a WoW account. I don't have the patience for sitting around for 45+ minutes while a raid group forms, even given that I'm a member of a raiding guild. Mr Cobalt...is another story, which we won't get into because I'll start using expletives. I have a Second Life account. I sit in the sandbox trying to make a kidney shaped table. I log on maybe once, twice a week, try to make a table, get slightly closer to my goal, forget how to lock the objects together, move a leg 8 meters away, give up, and log out. I play LOtGD on dragoncat.net. I'm really trying to focus on my thesis, and I honestly got really bored doing all the waiting in WoW that seems to come up. That was the killer for me.
  • truecombat 4 lyfe ::flashes gang signs::
  • I have yet to try a raid in WoW. Mr. Koko (who also plays) and I are not fond of teaming with strangers, so when we take on a dungeon it's with as few teammates as possible. It's also much quicker that way. 90% of the time I play solo.
  • *still searching for a decent online cribbage game*
  • I used to play Star Wars Galaxies for a fair while, which was great until they ruined it with changes. I was in a large guild with an old friend of mine from years ago in the US, & made a lot of new good friends in the process. Teamspeak made that a lot of fun, too. SWG had the best crafting system. Koko did indeed get me into City of Heroes, which was fun, but I lost interest in it after a while, & because money issues forced me to quit. I'm not playing anything online at the moment due to aforesaid brokeness, but I would probably consider looking at the Star Trek MMORPG when it arrives. WoW doesn't turn me on. I like space sims. I 0wnZ0r in space sims. I kicked fucking ass in the Jump to Lightspeed aspect of SWG. I am the motherfuckin' space fightin' masta. I honed my skillz on the X-Wing series & Privateer games. Love that shit. Have played earlier iterations of Quake, UT, Jedi Knight, but I dislike the frag, fight, die cycle, I want something more than just that. Plus, I'm just not very good at that kind of fighting, I admit. Must have crafting & loot! I've played DiabloII, quite a few years ago, for a while. Questing for loots becomes very addictive. Being an Aspie & thus not being apt to easily talk to strangers can be a bit of a problem, you can't be a loner in things like WoW & get the most from it.
  • Currently Day of Defeat: Source which is the latest in a chain stretching back to Doom (local dialup), Quake 1 and 2, Quake III Arena, Counterstrike: Source. I play text-based games in a community I've been with for a few years, evolving from Pyroto (trivia/politics/messaging) to Holy Empire to Badde Manors and at the moment CyberTek Industries and Ankhet. Also the occasional board games such as Literati and Backgammon, but only with contacts I know, because random opponents are usually quitting wankers.
  • It has to be done: MonkeyFilter: 90% of the time I play solo.
  • Currently playing City of Villains (City of Heroes sister game), on Guardian server, about once per week. I don't have a lot of time to play, and can't really keep up with my group's levels, but I don't have to -- CoV (like CoH) has a "sidekick" feature that lets you bind your character to a higher level character and fight as if you were nearly their level. (I quit EQ when it became apparent that I'd haveta put in 2 hrs per day just to keep up with the group.) The villainy angle is an interesting twist, mostly robbing banks and such. How many experience points do I get for raping a nun again?? As a single guy, I generally consider online gaming to be damn near social suicide. (My dad logged over 2000 hours playing EQ the first year -- while holding a full-time job!) But my dad, my brothers, and their wives all play, so it's a good excuse to keep in touch with everybody.
  • 10. 15 if you do it with a rake.
  • Not funny, fellas.
  • How much if you use a plastic funnel and some eels?
  • That's just weird.
  • Pete, Glama, I played UT the classic version for a couple of years! I even joined a clan. I was the least capable shooter on our team but still it was fun booting the behinds of the noobs who'd show up on our server. Har! *kills his own dumb self* Never switched over to the 2003/2004 versions though. Our server's still running but i haven't played in a year or so. Conveyor, Stalwart, Phobos, these are as familiar as my home street...
  • can't read Koko's tiny print
  • UT99 was great until the public servers started to become swamped with bots and hacks. It was really bad in its first incarnation. I demo'd a guy in 2004 botting, it was so ridiculous. His sights would just snap from target to target, many times in a complete 180. After I got some good demo material I announced to the server what he was doing and he started going nuts. He just started spawn killing like crazy, there were some very experienced players in there so he got booted pretty fast. Yes, I know the difference between bot and skill I have played all three incarnations from the beginning, and this wasn't skill. I looked this guy up on the net. Google returned many hits on batata being banned for botting and him talking on forums about bots and the ones he has designed. Sweettooth is another well know botter.
  • Isn't Sweet Tooth the villain from Twisted Metal? I loved that game ...
  • cool. Thanks.
  • Yeah, baby! UT2004 HL2 NOLF2 (too much fun) AVP2 (theme going on here, eh?) Just starting in to Far Cry as well. I think the most fun I've had recently was playing on Nightie's Halloween Server last year. All Halloween maps in rotation. He used to have Christmas server, but it wasn't up for long. Very fun to play good maps with different themes.
  • I play lots of free MMO games, in Ogame I'm in uni 1 and 2 at ogame.org and uni 1,2 and 3 at ogame.nl. I'm also in game 6 of Travian. Used to play UT2k4 a lot, now every now and then. CoD sometimes. HL2 CTF - much more fun than CS:S. F.E.A.R. lots. Guild Wars Factions. Started WoW about a month ago, got one lvl 31, one lvl 18 and one lvl 8 character. But the best is still No One Lives Forever 2. It's got monkeys. And bananas. I even made a few maps for it. (Hey bph, what name do you play under? I'm [TNT]Sonic Goo.)
  • I (still) play the Realm Online, which, to the best of my knowledge, is the oldest MMORPG still running. And it still runs state-of-the-art 1996 graphics. ;-) Tiny, hardcore community. very retro, rather buggy, but strangely addictive.
  • *farms comments, ratchets up MoFi reputation*