October 10, 2006

Live vicariously in the now, Canada. What's in a month?
  • I forgot that January was Alzheimer's Month.
  • That's a lot of awareness that we're supposed to have. ** gets ready to celebrate November's Canadian Hockey Week ** *** realizes that it's a really stupid awareness week. WE'RE IN CANADA for chrissakes *** **** lobbies MP and MPP for MOFI Awareness Week instead ****
  • *Falls off perch*
  • *notes nary a mention of poutine*
  • OK, just between us fangirls, I used this list of U.S. "health observances" when I was making my "House, M.D." fan calendar. And I use this list of USDA "foods of the month" in our agricultural education outreach materials at work. Of course, those bastards at the Hallmark store didn't have any National Popcorn Month greeting cards...
  • Isn't this World Steal-a-gif week?
  • happy days are those in which I do not have to scratch an adman's itch
  • Don't they have any fun months? National Goose Somebody at the Bus Stop Month?
  • Happy Pat GramMa's Tushie Day, Charlie Brown!!! Loo loo loooo loo loo looooo looo loooo /Tushie_carols
  • Owl Semen Appreciation Month?
  • Owl cheers to that!
  • *lifts glass* To owl friends!
  • "Don't they have any fun months? National Goose Somebody at the Bus Stop Month?" posted by BlueHorse at 05:57PM UTC on October 10, 2006 For some of us, every month is National Goose Somebody at the Bus Stop Month!
  • Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November; February has twenty-eight alone, All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting leap-year, that's the time When we grab GramMa's behind.