October 04, 2006

Romanian Stencil Archive
  • Cool link! I like #85 the best.
  • There are a lot of images here - Cool link! Now I'll be up way past my bedtime click-click-clicking... Constanta [11] piccie 11 turns out to be Weebl and Bob. heh.
  • BUCURESTI 143! FISH IS PIMP! This is great - proving once again that Argh is the only worthwhile member of this site, a transcendent being who is far superior to the rest of you crack smoking web-wannabees.
  • I am guessing that last comment was intended to be slightly provocative. Later on, I will think of the perfect reply, and it will be far too late. Woe, alas, alack, etc, etcetry.
  • Yeah, get back to your crack-pipe, cracky.
  • I just bought Banksy's book the other day. I fucking love stencil graffiti.