September 18, 2006

Vintage drugs adverts
  • Wow. Lookit how tranquil they got that epileptic kid... Nighty-night, pumpkin.
  • Thank goodness! "Now She Can Cook Breakfast Again!" Doctor, what other uses can modern pharmacy be put to to help control the crazy ass bitch in my life?
  • "In crisis where immediate composure is imperative" makes it sound like air-traffic controllers need Phenobarbital® to do their jobs effectively. The "Prescribe these to keep your patients from calling you in the middle of the night" Quaalude ad is fun, too! And is the Mabel who's unstable the same Mabel who's serving up the Black Label beer? 'Cause she's probably just frustrated from delaing with leering drunks all night.
  • Massengill made Methadone douches?
  • There's more ads here than Carter's Little Liver Pills!
  • Man, some of those look pretty good!
  • So if you don’t use thorazine you turn into Nikita Kruschev? Good to know, nifty post.
  • We will bury you! Now give me drugs!
  • Oh, look! You could write for samples of sodium pentobarbital. There's even a little clip-out coupon at the bottom. Wonder if they'll still honor it.
  • Hell, Lara, you want free samples? Here they are!
  • Monkeyfilter: Methadone douches
  • I'll take one of each. And, could little Johnny's eyes get any more dilated? BTW, are they sewing up a............vagina?
  • these are wondrous to behold.
  • "BTW, are they sewing up a............vagina?" Just removing the teeth.
  • *nibbles on a cracker*
  • I wouldn't have recognized Nancy!
  • *resists posing question about chimaera's ethnicity*
  • Ha!