September 15, 2006
Jigsaw Monkey
You have 5 minutes to put the picture of the monkey together. Friday Flash Fun For Freaks! Fantastic!
15,800 Cute monkey!
3180. Well, I didn't realize you could rotate the damn pieces, okay?!? You try building a damn monkey sideways!!!
Oh, no. Not this again. This morning I tried to put together a jigsaw puzzle picture of a tiger. Got frosted corn flakes all over the place.
6300, also didn't realize they could rotate.
1,800. I just suck.
For Captain Renault:
Stealing bandwidth from CNN, those bastards!
For some reason that reminds me of that sesame street segment where the 9 or so blocks would be out of order and then start flying around and the sound would go "bleep bleep bloop doop bloop bleep bloo bloop" and look like something else and then fly around again until it formed into a picture of a tiger or something and then a bunch of kids would scream "Tiger!!" very excitedly. *snif* Ahhh, good times. Good times.
Nothing like an Italian playing an Injun to make us feel terrible about littering. And no, it's not "Smokey the bear." It's "Smokey Bear."
Thank you, glamma. I blame my parents. They gave me crappy opposable thumbs, and no Atari.
4,500 now. Better. But I need more room so I can see all the pieces.
D'Oh! Yeah, i usually can spread 50 puzzle pieces around pretty far. I found one in my pocket once, and I wasn't even at home. That's a long ways away. More table space!
Yaah, more table space. Glamma, me too. Why don't the put click to rotate in big print? And why don't they give me a better mouse. This one makes the Baby Monkez cry.
Nerver mind the puzzle! Try out the MonkeyLander!! Now THAT'S the ticket
And no, it's not "Smokey the bear."... A History of Smokey. Here are the lyrics to the popular 1950s (Disney-inspired?) song, in which he is called Smokey the Bear, and which a great many US school children were taught to sing in schools, camps, etc: Smokey the Bear Smokey the Bear Prowlin' and a-growling' And a snuffin' the air He can spot a fire Before it starts to flame That's why they call him Smokey And that's how he got his name Also featured ad nauseam in televised public service ads of the 1950s.