September 14, 2006
Do It Yourself Cell Phone Repair
Learn something and save money! Oh, and your warranty is voided just for reading that.
My phone's not on there, but many, many are. Cool photo walk-throughs of replacing screens and . . whatnot. In other, outrageously unrelated news, Wikipedia says "Screw You" To Bastard Chinese Authorities.
I know how to fix my cell phone!! *drops hammer and squeeeees* Gotta love some of the forum boards, all the users with cell phone avatars...
This reminds me of Furby Autopsy. Bueno linko, pete.
Gratsi, gratsi, tho credit where due: via lifehacker
See, this thread is terrifically popular amongst the lurkers. It's true.
As a result of this thread, I've shopped around and discovered a world of faceplates for my Razr. It's a little scary how many flowers and hearts can fit on my cell phone.
See, this thread is terrifically popular amongst the lurkers. Maybe we should hit up that Tricycline guy for a hit counter?
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It's true. I love this thread so much that I parked my browser on this thread and taped my F5 key down.
little to the left . . .
I lurk. I enjoy. The silly little monkeys give me pleasure. At the end of the day, I am their master. On with the show!
Now tell me how to de-drool my remote controls!
Plastic shrink wrap. Don't ask me how I know this.
nunia, I just want you to know that your Furby Autopsy link gave me nightmares last night! I dreamed someone had taken apart a real kid and put a reset switch and gears on its brain, and it was chasing me!
Woo Hoo! Lookit that counter fly! Man, this place is like lurker central. AND it's a handy resource for repairing cell phones! Now someone please say some sexy things and we'll really be cookin'.
First the Jesus Love link, and now the Furby Autopsy? I just don't think I have good link feng shui for you, Lara.
Naw, the only coworker who saw the Jesus link is the one who wouldn't be offended by it, so it was all good. Being a boss and all, I have my own corner cubicle. *turns on little fan, opens Dilber comic book*
Dilbert. Yeah, that's the one. *opens mini-fridge, cracks a Diet Pepsi and gets to work on the TPS reports*
Did you get the memo on those? Yyyyeaahhh.
Q: What do you do when (notice I did not say if) your new cell phone falls into the lake? A: You take it home and put it in the oven on the lowest setting for about half an hour. You become so excited discovering this desperate remedy actually works that you forget it's still hot and pick it up, blistering two fingers. -- from A Bumbler's Adventures in Technologyland